Monday, August 06, 2007

Day 7

We took a walk over to the fort this morning to check out the activities

with Battery D (a civil war reenactment). Then we took a walk over to pebble beach. Got the kids ready and headed over to the Central mine where Grandma and Grandpa were. On the car ride over Jacob was saying, "hi mama" - Jared was trying to get him to say hi Daddy. After a minute he said, "look mama, hi Daddy". At the mine Adam stayed with Grandma while we took Jacob to find Grandpa, who was searching for copper. Jacob was a little scared to walk on the rocks so he was carried most of the time. When we got back Grandpa showed us what he found. He gave Jacob a piece of copper and a toothbrush to clean it with. We then went to Hunter's point and took the kids on a hike to Lake Superior. The trail has alot of rocks and roots which caused Jacob to trip a few times. When we were nearer to the beach Jacob seemed tired of walking and wanted to be carried. We encouraged him to walk and he made it to the beach where we sat down for a break. We snacked on fish crackers and water. Jacob asked if he could put a fish cracker in the water - he threw a couple in and came back to sit on the rocks. The cool breeze of the water felt really good. We walked up shore a little ways and sat on the beach with a bunch of little smooth rocks. I took Adam out of the carrier and lay him on a blanket under a shade tree. He had lots of smiles. We stayed on the beach for ~2 1/2 hrs and looked through the rocks. Jared found a small piece of an agate. On the hike back Jacob did great - he loved walking over the bridges. After dinner we took the boys over to the fort and watched them fire the cannons. When they fired the first cannon, Jacob said, "cool bang". I asked if he wanted to see it again and he said, "no, I'm pine". They did fire it again and he said, "again". On our way back to our site we saw an elderly man who had fallen over on his bike. Jared walked his bike back to his site and we walked with them. After ice cream tonight we took a late night walk. We were in bed by 10:30 and Adam went right to sleep. Jacob lay there until ~11:30 when he started crying, saying his foot hurt. He was happy when I took his foot out of his pjs so I changed his pajamas and he went right to sleep.