Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday: This morning Jacob woke up a couple hours earlier than usual. He wanted me to rock him - I enjoy these moments when I get them. Adam woke up a little after 9am. He hasa four teeth that look like they have come in but I believe they are still just under his gums. He loves me to rub his gums. Yesterday, he figured out how to pull a teether to his mouth and loved chewing on it. We ran out of milk and Jacob walked over to me, put his arm around my neck and said, "Milk please Mama, milk", "Go bye bye, milk" and then he headed over to the door. This morning he brought his pillow from his bedroom to our room and lay it by our bed. Then he looked at me and said, "Jump bed, please mama, jump". Jared meet me at my moms today. My aunt, cousin and Gail leave back to Colorodo tomorrow morning so we wanted to spend some time with them before they left. We took dinner over to my Grandpa's house and spent some time with him. Jacob put his arm behind Grandpa's neck, looked up at him and said, "Hi Grandpa". Grandpa told him that he was his sleeping buddy and Jacob said, "No night night". We stopped at the store for a few groceries before heading back to Mom's. My sister Mel and her kids were there. We all stayed there til around 10:30pm. When we were leaving Jacob went around giving huggs and kisses goodbye. He went over to my aunt Linda and said, "Bye" while smacking his lips for a kiss. He tugged on her shirt for a kiss. Jacob fell asleep on the drive home and stayed asleep as I changed him and put him in bed. I nursed Adam and then layed the wide eyed baby in his crib. He talked himself to sleep quickly.


Brother Cassian said...

He loves you to "rum his gums" ! ! ! "RUM his gums" !!!!!! I should think he WOULD like that! Is this the way you are getting him to sleep, Kimmy?

Anonymous said...

Type error - He likes me to rub his gums. :) :) Kimmy

Brother Cassian said...

I like the original version better.