Sunday, August 12, 2007

Jacob didn't want to go to bed last night. Usually he goes to bed really well, without a fuss. He kept asking me to lay down with him. As much as I would have liked to lay there and cuddle him, I think he would expect that every night and it would take him longer to fall asleep. He threw a tantrum - screaming and yelling "Mama, Mama, Daddy" over and over and over. He would not stay in his bed. So I took him back to his bed numerous time without saying a thing (trying to ignore his tantrum). It was very difficult to ignore because I just wanted to hold and comfort him. At 12am he finally did stay in his bed. When I headed back to our bedroom I saw a HUGE spider. I called for Jared to come quick and I ran into the bathroom for some toilet paper. The spider was very fast as Jared went after it. Both boys woke up around 7:30am. Jacob wanted to ride on his tractor right away. Adam fell back asleep after nursing, and slept until I had to wake him for church.


Anonymous said...

The picture with adam's red hat backwards! Great. How about one with all three men...backward hats and matching shirts. or...just backward hats. Now that's a challenge to get everyone with a smile as big as Adams. Love you all and still thinking about the UP> It's hot here. Everyday has been above 90. Might be 89 today. Big Deal! LR/MOM