Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Kenzie took some cute pictures with my camera.

Adam singing in his mike.

Boys watching Kenzie.

They love her.

Watching the mallard ducks.

Adam cleaning off the peanut butter.
Kenzie found us.
Boys watching Kenzie play Mario Kart.
Evening art fun.
Adam showing off his artwork.

There wasn't much glue left so I gave it to Adam to use. We decorated it with glitter.

Got up to exercise around 6am. Kenzie and Jacob were up by 8:00. We watched Curious George. Adam was awake soon after 9am. Kenzie made pancakes for breakfast. This morning she brought a chicken into the house. Adam right away wanted help turning over the kitchen chairs liked they always do to keep the chicken in the kitchen area. We watched Clifford. I gave Jacob a haircut and also trimmed the back of Adam’s hair. Kenzie played some Mario Kart. I went outside to throw some corn by the pond for the ducks. As soon as I came back inside they swam over to eat it. We had fun watching them through the window. After lunch we went outside to play in the barn. It was a cold windy day today. Jacob spent most of the time using his shovel on the barn floor. He said he was making a road. Adam played with the ride on truck and in the hay with me. Kenzie and I had a great time playing "clue hide and seek." Her clues are very clever. We came back inside at snack time. I tucked Adam in for a nap at 2:30. Kenzie played Mario Kart. Jacob rested on the couch while playing with some cars. I did a 30-min run. Jacob and Kenzie played at the counter with moon sand. Adam woke up soon after Jared got home from work. We ate an early dinner. After dinner we headed over to get chick food at TSC. We also wanted to see if they had chicks in yet. No chicks but there were baby bunnies. We enjoyed holding and petting them. We also went to meijer. Jared dropped me off at the door and then they went to the auto shop to look at crashed cars. When I got back in the van the boys told me about the crashed cars and Jacob asked Daddy to drive by again so I could see. We got home at 6:30. I took care of the animals. Jared had class tonight from 7-10. This evening I got out the art boxes and gave the kids tractor magazine pages to cut out pictures from. They glued them onto a piece of construction paper. Kenzie made a tractor book for the boys. Jacob is very good at cutting out the pictures and also enjoyed gluing. I helped Adam make his paper. Then I drew their names in glue and they decorated with glitter. Jacob still likes making “pancakes” with the glue. At 8pm we cleaned things up and then Kenzie read the book she'd made. They had a snack before pj time. Kenzie surprised me by getting all their toothbrushes ready with toothpaste in the bathroom before we came in there. She read Jacob his bedtime books and I read with Adam. As I talked with Adam about what we did today he said, "Nana's house! Paint eggs!"


Melissa said...

Cute pictures of the boys hugging Kenzie.

Vikki's Blog said...

I love the pics of the boys hugging Kenzie. Looks like they had fun with her there, shes already begging to come to your house tomarrow. Well depending on how tired I am maybe we will come. I hope so. Love you and miss you soooooo much!!!