Monday, April 13, 2009

Jacob is making clipper sounds as he grooms his dog. I love Adam's expression in the background.
The boys working on my water pipes.
Construction worker.

I got up at 6am to exercise. After finishing them I worked on posting my Easter blog. Jacob woke up at 8:30 and Adam was up around 9:30. After breakfast the boys had fun looking thru their Easter baskets. They played with bubbles. Then Jacob drew maps in his new notebook. We watched Bob the Builder. Adam was real fussy as it neared lunchtime. He threw a fit during lunch because Jacob didn’t want to share his placemat with him. After lunch we got out the animal doctor kit. Jacob gave the little dog an exam. Adam played doctor with me, giving me shots and listening to my heart. Then Jacob wrapped the dog up and asked me to hold him. He used the mouth mirror for clippers as he shaved the dog. Adam asked to get out the tools. He and Jacob fixed my water pipes (in Jacob’s closet). I went thru some home videos to label them. Jacob enjoyed seeing himself when he was younger. Adam also enjoyed watching the videos. Jacob drew some more maps on his notepad. He likes to tell me where people live on his maps. Adam had fun with the view master. After looking at each picture, he’d hand it over for me to look. The boys were both acting tired this afternoon. After reading together I lay Adam down for a nap. I also had Jacob lay down. They both fell asleep quickly. I did a 30-min run. Jared came home around 5pm. Both boys woke up soon after that. We went outside to take care of the animals. Adam wanted to play in the hay. As he grabs handfuls of hay he asks, "Eat Mommy?" and then he enjoys watching me pretend to eat. Daddy and Jacob soon joined us in the hay. The boys had fun pushing loose hay off the deck with their shovels. Jared called Truman and Adam also yelled, "Come on Trumun!" I put a bale of hay in the wagon and Adam said, "Hay ride!" The boys rode on top of the hay. This evening the boys were playing on the slide. Adam wanted Jacob to get off so he bit him on the leg. I got out the moon sand and they had fun playing with that at the counter. Jacob asked for a piece of paper and pretended he was following a recipe for making pie. The boys made lots of pies for me to eat. We watched some more home videos this evening. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm. Jared and I watched 24.


Grandma R said...

Well, it looks like the boys need to think about listening to each other honoring requests. Biting gets the job done. Part of growing up. Adam doesn't look like a baby any more but a good playmate.

I'm mailing two placemats this morning.

Anonymous said...

"Use your words, Adam. Use your words." And sometimes you may need to add, "OK, Jacob, Adam is using his words. Listen to what he says." And sometimes it is fun to play difficult situations: Mommy wants Jacob's placemat. Should she grab it? (Pretend to grab.) Should she throw a fit? (Throw a good fit.) Or, should she use her words and say, 'Jacob, may I use your placemat?' The playing out of these situations ahead of time can be loads of fun; it gives your guys opportunities to practice the behavior you want and it gives you some great opportunities to give Oscar-worthy performances!

Some shaving cream and a safety razor would also work to shave off the plush of the stuffed dog.

Grandma R said...

Well, I did tell the truth but the truth changed. Now there are two sets of two placemats in the mail. Makes making a choice an interesting part of the day. They tell me it takes two days but I think 3 is more like it. Look Friday for sure. No tool fabric. So sorry.

LRuss again said...

I am impressed with the closet organization. Great idea. And Jacob dressed up is the best.

Kimmy said...

Thanks so much! Jacob loves his placemat and I know Adam will too. Adam likes to choose the bibs he wears at mealtimes.

LR again said...

I think one of the bibs will match one of the placemats.