Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Watching Baby Einstein

Funny part.

Jared had to be to work early again this morning. I got up at 6am to exercise. Jacob woke up around 7:15 but he lay in bed until almost 8:00. We cuddled in the chair for a little while before going outside to let the chickens out of their coop and get some food for the pullets. The inside chick sure do make a mess with the sawdust from their cage. I was going to vacuum around their cage when Jacob said, “No, I can do it. I'm really good at it.” The boys played with Little People things for a little time before breakfast. Adam flew around the “hepa-copper (helicopter).” After breakfast we watched Baby Shakespeare. That’s the Baby Einstein video from the tiger video the other day. As I put the video in Jacob excitedly said, “Cause I wanna watch the big scary lion, ROAR!” I heard a lot of roars from both boys. Jacob then got out his bank and counted coins at the counter. After he was done with that he gave Adam rides on the tricycle. Adam likes to have his feet on the pedals. If he does put down his feet Jacob would remind him, “Put your feet on the pedals Adam.” Adam isn’t long enough to pedal Jacob’s tricycle but he loves to pedal the smaller ones with me pushing from behind. We played with foam blocks until lunchtime. As we ate lunch Jacob said, “I love Bruce, Hailey, Meme, Jack, and Max. When’s Max's birthday gonna be in?” As Truman walked around Adam hung onto his collar yelling, “Walk the road now!” over and over. He then took the foam container lid and pretended it was a blanket. As he cover up he said, “Night night” and made snoring sounds. We watched Bob the Builder. At 1:30 we headed to meijer for groceries. Jacob brought in some note cards and a few small markers. As he wrote letters on the card he told me he was making a shopping list. He named off thing that were on his list, like ice cream and bananas. Then he walked around and helped me put things into the cart. After a while Adam said, “Listen Mommy (I will listen Mommy).” He also liked putting items in the cart. After getting the things we needed we walked up and down toy rows. At checkout I let Jacob pick a candy to share with Adam. Then the boys each got to ride the penny horse. Adam preferred it not moving and wanted off soon after it started. Jacob was happy to finish Adam's ride. As we left the store Jacob said, “I really had a lot of fun.” As we neared the auto dealership the boys asked to see the crashed cars. Jacob said, “Crashed cars please Mommy?” Then he said, “You love my manners? Say great manners.” We also stopped at TSC for chick food. As we left Jacob told the cashier, “We have baby chicks in our house and we love to hold them.” Adam kept pointing at me and saying, “Mommy Russell.” Now if I ask him what my name is that is his response. As we pulled in our driveway Jacob said, “Wow, that grass has greened up. Its not burnt anymore.” After reading I lay Adam down for a late nap. Jacob played at the counter with flour and cars while I put away groceries and then made noodle salad. Jared came home around 5:30. We woke up Adam and took a trip back to TSC with plans on getting some more broilers. We didn’t end up getting any but did have fun walking around the store. The boys love looking at all the tires for sale. After dinner I was unloading the dishwasher. The boys then loaded all their play dishes into it and we pretended to wash them. After their dishes were clean they had a good time pretending to cook with them. Jared had class this evening. Jacob set up the exercise ball in the middle of the room with stools and things all around it. He then sat on it and bounced. Nana called and both boys wanted to talk to her. After Jacob talked to her Adam said, “Me turn!” as he reached for the phone. Adam told her “bouncy ball” and did a lot of head nodding yes. They each talked to her twice. The boys were tucked in bed shortly after 9pm.


Melissa said...

I love the pictures of Adam watching Jacob from his crib. Jack does that with Max except he can't pull himself up yet. He crawls over to the side closest to Max's bed and peeks out pulling the bumper pad down. It's so funny. They are always talking back and forth to each other whne I walk in in the morning. And if Max is still sleeping, Jack makes really loud noises to try to wake him up. They sure love their big brothers, don't they.

mom s said...

Cute bedtime pictures with the chick. I love the expressions on their faces. Love ya

The Daddy said...

mom s hows the stove?? Has Jared been allowed to get close to it again??

mom s said...

The stove is great, but it does look a little funny with 3 burner covers instead of 4, It looks better than the paper plate covering the burner saying not to look under here though. Mr. Safety
needs more safety training.