Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Poking out the air hole pieces.

Jared left for work around 6:30. At 7:45 I got a phone call from the post office that our chicks were there. Jared came home to get the van and then headed to the post office to pick them up. Jacob and Adam woke up during that time and excitedly waited for Daddy to come home with the chicks. We were all excited to open up the boxes and see them. The boys also had fun poking out the air holes on the boxes. We took the chicks to their stalls and Jacob helped Daddy get them out of the boxes. Adam helped with a few. He liked to make the chicks hop as he said, “Hop, Hop, Hop.” We got the chicks stalls set up with food and water. Those chicks we got on Friday are about 3x the size of these little ones. Then Adam asked, “Hay loft?” so I took him there to play. Jacob went to the front yard with Daddy. The boys ate bananas for a breakfast outside. It was a nice morning to be outside. We stayed out there until around 10:30. The boys had fun playing on the fort. Jacob also enjoyed going down the slides. The boys sat on the trailer and pretended it was an airplane. Daddy sat on the back and would lift them up or down to take off or land the plane. Jacob was the pilot. Soon after 11:00 Adam and I headed over to church. Jacob stayed home with Daddy. At church Adam had fun cooking and playing in the house. Afterwards we went to Jacks and Meijer. Usually Adam sit in the cart but as we walked into Jacks he said, “Walk Mommy? Listen Mommy (I will listen Mommy).” He told the cashier, "Baby chicks!" We also stopped at Tim Horton’s for coffee and a donut for Adam. We got home around 2:00. Jacob was excited to tell me about his fun time with Daddy. He said, “We cleaned up the t-posts and cleaned up the wire.” They’d worked on pulling the t-post from one paddock, which are going to be put in different paddock. Around 4pm we took ~30 min drive to visit a car dealership. After looking at a couple cars we decided to test-drive one. As soon as we left we realized that the low fuel light was on so we went back to let them know. The salesman followed us to a Speedway and put some gas in the car. After just a short drive Jacob said, “I wanna buy this car.” Both boys fell asleep on the drive. Before going back to the dealership Jared dropped the boys and I off at McDonalds. They ate dinner and had a great time playing in the play area. Jacob quickly made some friends. I took Adam up one time but he preferred playing on the lower level. After about an hour Jared came back. We stayed for a while longer. When it was time to leave Jacob said, “Wait, I gotta tell my friends goodbye.” One the way home we stopped at TSC and picked up several pullet and a bantam chick. We got home around 7:30. We took care of the animals. Jacob collected the eggs in the coop. He set the eggs on the bench so he could get off his shoes and coat. Adam went to grab the eggs and Jacob said, “No Adam, them’s fragile. They could break.” Jared and I ate a late dinner. The boys played in the bathtub until pj time. After they were tucked in bed Jared and I watched Lost.


mom s said...

You're making fun family memories. I love it. Love you all.