Friday, April 17, 2009

I exercised until Jacob woke up around 8am. He and I went outside to check on the chicks. We found a couple more dead (We've now lost 23). I called the company and they gave us a credit. Adam woke up at 9:00. The boys asked to eat breakfast on their butterfly placemats. After breakfast we watched Bob the Builder. While I was changing Adam’s diaper Jacob noticed a couple bruises on his leg. He ran to get some Band-Aids and put two on Adam's bruises. He then gave Adam a hug and Adam said, “Tanks.” The boys washed their ride on vehicles using wet wipes. They then had fun playing with playdoh. It was a sunny day (temp was high 70’s). We took a bike ride down our road. Then the boys played in the yard. They used their snow shovels to dig in the garden and also played in the sand. We went back inside at 12:30 for lunch. After eating they got out the tools and used them for fixing their ride on vehicles. I cleaned up the house and did some laundry. We went back outside on the deck. I did a 30 min run while the boys played. Jacob brought out some ride on vehicles. Adam would lie down in front of where Jacob was riding. Then Jacob would stop and beep his horn. He'd lean over and say, “Then I’m gonna get your belly” and Adam would hurry away laughing. The boys ate their snack outside before we went back in to read. Adam took a nap and Jacob rested in his bedroom. Jared came home around 4pm. We went outside and started working on clearing trees and brush from along the paddock where we are putting up the new fence. There were a lot of vines to pull from the trees. When I came back inside I noticed that we had no electricity. Jared had to start the generator so the chicks could have heat. The boys ate sandwiches and pretzels for dinner. Adam loves the pink shirt he wore today and was excited to show it to Daddy. Around 6pm we left to meet Vikki at Salvation Army. Jacob and Adam were excited to see her. We got home around 7:30. We took care of the animals before going inside. We still had no electricity but soon it was back on. Jared and I ate a late dinner again tonight. At bedtime Adam grabbed Jacob's hand and they excitedly ran to his bedroom. I helped them in the crib and left them alone for a few minutes before coming back to "find" them. Adam loves his green dog and now asks me to tuck him under the blankets too. The boys were tucked in bed by 9:30.


The Daddy said...

How many chickens did you start with. I'm sure there is to be expected a few to die but do they usually say how many..seems like 23 is high

Melissa said...

I love the picture of the boys hugging. Adam looks cute in hispink shirt.

Kimmy said...

Eric, We ordered 200 chicks. I'm not sure what the average loss is but they do send up to 4% extra chicks with an order. All 10 we got from TSC are doing great. We've lost several more today. Every time we check on them we find dead ones. We brought some weak looking ones inside with our TSC pullets but all the broilers were dead by the next morning.

Kimmy said...

Mel, I think Adam looks cute in the pink shirt too - thanks for passing it our way:) I think pink is Adam's favorite color.

Mom s said...

I love the picture of the boys hugging too. He does look cute in that pink shirt. Your electricity was off for quite a while. Do you know why? Good thing we had such nice weather. Love ya