Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jacob helping Daddy by holding down the fence.

They love climbing the gate.
I love this expression.

Adam hiding.
There he is.
I love this picture.

I got up shortly after 6am. When Jacob woke up he ran right to the baby chicks. He held/rocked chicks for awhile. We went into town for drinks and donuts around 9am. From there we went to Goodwill and the Pet store. Soon after we got home Jared went back into town to visit the car dealership. The boys played with the water in the bathroom sink while I sorted and folded laundry in there. I got an apple pie made for tomorrow. Jared took Jacob with him on a tractor ride to take the trash to the dumpster. Adam liked watching them as they passed by the window. When he heard the tractor come back he ran to the door saying, “Me turn!” Jacob came inside and Daddy took Adam for a tractor ride. After Adam's ride he came back in the house saying, “Mommy turn.” After lunch we all went outside. The weather was nice, cool and sunny. Jared and I worked on putting up the new fence. The boys had fun playing in the paddock and on the old fence boards. At 3pm I took Adam inside. We read some books and then I tucked him in for a nap. Jared, Jacob, and I stayed outside until dinnertime. Adam woke up just after we came in. After dinner we all went outside to take care of the animals. At bathtime the boys were excited when they saw I'd put their fishing poles in the tub. They had fun with them and also played with a couple of the old Little People and some boats. I gave them a couple washcloths (blankets) to wrap their babies (People) in. After the boys were asleep Jared and I had fun hiding Easter eggs and baskets.


Melissa said...

Cute pictures. I love Adam's expression in that picture too.

uncle dee said...

Your mentioning an apple pie reminded me that I need to remind you and Grandma R to get rhubarb while it is in season, so you both can freeze some and have it ready to make rhubarb pies at Thanksgiving. Of course, these will be in addition to the apple pies, which you have already demonstrated you can make as well as your mother-in-law. (Well, OK, maybe I should write ALMOST as well.)

LRuss said...

Kimmy's are as good as her mother-in-laws who taught her to make great apple pie. It is AS good. Maybe better because I didn't need to do it.

uncle dee said...

Well, that makes it all clear. Mothers-in-law know what they are talking about. We know Kimmy's apple pies are as good as Lela's; now comes the rhubarb comparison (or so I hope).