Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jacob woke up at 8:30. He cuddled on my lap for a little while before breakfast. Adam woke up shortly after 9am. I put him on the changing table in his bedroom. He looked out the window and pointed at the road saying, “Road out there.” He lay down while I changed him and enjoyed watching the birds in the tree. He said, “Birds Mommy. Fly way Mommy.” I stood him up on the table to pull up his pants and he raised his hands saying, “Tall.” We watched some home videos this morning. Then we made a tent in the hallway using some blankets and the gate. I was unloading the dishwasher and Adam came over saying, “Help Mommy?” He put all the silverware in the drawer, took the plastic plates to the cupboard, and helped me screw on the sippy cup tops. Jacob brought out the car mat and said, “I got this out for Adam.” Then he asked Adam, “You want me to play with you Adam?” They played together on that with their cars. After lunch Adam had me get out the tools. He and Jacob worked on water pipes in the closet. We went outside on the deck to play until snack time. I did a 30 min run out there. The boys had fun riding around on the ride on vehicles. Adam noticed the Mallard ducks were gone and said, "Uh oh, Maward ducks go?" Soon after that the ducks came flying into the water. At 2:30 we went inside for a snack and to read books. I tucked Adam in for a nap and Jacob rested in his bedroom. He played with his cars and blocks. He enjoyed showing me the things he'd built from the blocks. Jared got home around 4:30. Jacob had fun painting with watercolors and finger paint. He painted pictures for all of us. Adam woke up just before dinner. After dinner the boys lay on the kitchen floor and colored with crayons. I went outside to take care of the animals. Then we all went back outside to take the baby chicks to a stall in the barn. Jacob loved helping to carry the basket full of chicks. Our neighbor came over to buy eggs. He asked to see the chicks so we took him to the barn to show him. We visited for a little while and came back inside at 7:30, just in time for Jared’s class. The boys had fun playing with Mr. Potato heads. Jacob pretended to be in a parade as he marched around singing into the arm of his Potato head. Adam is getting really good at jumping and can get both feet a couple inches off the floor. I tucked the boys in bed around 9pm. Then I watched home videos while doing a 30 min run. Jared got done with his class around 10pm.


Vikki's Blog said...

woa how did you get the boys to put the baseball caps on? They look cute. I love the ones of Jacob and Adam in the blue hats. And I also love the one of you and Jacob...very cute!

Melissa said...

I love those blue hats too. Cute pictures!

LRussell said...

Those hats really show up. I'm surprised that the blue is so bright. Wow...Adam and the silverware. I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

Great hats -- and I think Mommy needs one, too.

mom s said...

The blue hat pictures are adorable.! Those boys are so cute!!!