Friday, April 24, 2009

Picnic lunch.

Talking to Daddy.

New tractor.

Donuts from Papa.

Watering the rhubarb plants.

Filling the tire with air.

Last night I stayed up late to do my usual am exercises. Around 6:45 we put the boys in their car seats and headed over to Nana’s house. Before we could leave Jacob had Daddy go back inside to get his map to help us find our way to Nana’s house. This weekend there is a festival and lots of garage sales near where Mom lives. Jacob was also very excited that he gets to stay at Nana and Papa’s house tonight. We took Daddy to work on the way. As soon as we could see his work Adam said, “Daddy’s work!” First thing at Nana’s house Jacob wanted do was show her the "big boy toothpaste" that he now uses. After eating breakfast and getting ready we headed over to the garage sales. We parked the van and mostly walked from sale to sale. We brought a couple strollers, which helped with the boys and also for carrying the things we bought. The boys did great and we all had fun. At 12:30 we had ate a packed lunch. Then we went back to shopping. Again the boys did great and we found many great deals. Several kind people gave the boys little toys to keep. We got back to Mom’s house shortly after 2pm. Jacob was very excited to ride the pedal tractor that Nana got for him. We went inside and on the counter were a couple little donut boxes, each with a note on them. The notes read, “Jacob (Adam), From Papa, I love you.” They sat at the table and ate some donut holes. Mom and I went thru the bags of things we’d gotten today. Jared called around 3:30 and was ready to be picked up from work. As I loaded things in the car Jacob rode around on his new tractor. Adam sat in the cart behind but it tipped over as Jacob turned. He cried hard for a short time. As I told Jacob goodbye he said, “I will be a good boy. I won’t hit. And if I do, I will say sorry.” He’s not a hitter so I thought it was funny. Mom said that as we left he waved and yelled, “I love you! Have fun!” Adam was excited when he notice we were at Daddy's work. We stopped at TSC on the way home. We took a walk in the paddock and rolled out the fence. Adam picked a couple dandelions. He likes to call me saying, “Come Mommy, come!” We went inside for dinner. After dinner I did a little laundry. Adam played with his Little People toys. Mel called so I talked to her for a while. Jared went outside to till the garden. When I asked Adam if he was ready to go outside he said, “Yeah! Outside, see Daddy!” We took care of the animals and then played in the hayloft. The other day we found out that our hayloft used to be an apartment before our house was here. Adam likes me to pretend the food (hay) that he gives me is too hot. He then takes it to the freezer (hay bale) to cool down. When I asked him how much I owed him for the food he’d say, “Three dollars” as he pretended to take it from me. Then Adam played in the sand and we also had some fun in the fort. After Jared finished the garden he tilled a spot to plant rhubarb, which my Grandpa gave to us. Adam helped us water them with a bucket. He then had a great time spraying the hose. We took care of the broilers before coming inside. It was 8:45. Adam was very tired from a busy day. We found a dump truck nightlight at a sale today and I put it in Adam’s room. He was excited about that. He was tucked in bed around 9:30. I called and talked to Jacob on the phone and he told me about all the fun was having.


Grandma R said...

Wow...what a garage sale fine. I need to join you some year. have a great little collection of plants. Keep them happy.

uncle dee said...

Michigan rhubarb . . . why does that lead me to think of Thanksgiving in Georgia?

LRuss said...

I'm happy to see that the tractor is feet powered. Those battery things scare the willies out of me. If the kids ride one of those don't send pictures!!!

mom s said...

I really like the video I took of Jacob driving his diesel tractor. He was backing up really nicely until all of a sudden he backed right into the brick edging along
the driveway. I had to comment, Like father, like son, and I sure got a good laugh. Love you all!