Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

Finding Easter eggs.

Finding their baskets.

Excited to be at Nana and Papa's house.

Finding baskets from Nana and Papa.

Wonder where he learned that.

Easter egg hunt at Nana's.

Jacob woke up shortly before 8am. We went to wake up Adam, but I think he was already awake. The boys had a great time searching for Easter eggs. Kate loved the eggs again this year and lay by them until we put them away. She was pushing the carpet around them with her nose like she was trying to bury them. After the boys found all the eggs we had them to look for their baskets. I’d hid one again this year for Jared. And this year I used the entire house to hide his basket thinking it would take him longer to find (since he always finds it right away.) I hid his basket in the hamper of our bedroom closet. Well, he was going to go right to that spot but stopped to check the boys hampers first on the way to our room. The boys got goodies, a hot wheels car, and view masters in their baskets. After so many goodies they didn’t eat much for breakfast. We headed to church shortly after 9am. Jacob told the greeter at church, “Where wearing our Easter clothes!” After church we went home for a short time and then headed over to Nana’s house, arriving around noon. Mel and her family couldn’t make it this year because they are all sick. We missed you all! Right away Adam told Nana, “Baby chicks! Poop!” Grandpa, Rody, Vikki, and Kenzie also came over. We went outside for a little while before coming back in to find Easter baskets. There were three baskets for each of the kids from Nana and Papa. Uncle Jared hid Kenzie’s baskets really well and she had a hard time finding them. After eating some more candy and looking thru their baskets Adam talked Aunt Bippi into taking him back outside. Jacob and I went out too. We had fun on the swings. When it was time to go back inside we raced back to the house. Around 2pm we ate a yummy Easter meal. Thanks Mom! Afterwards we went outside for an Easter egg hunt. Adam put the bucket over his head and said, “I struction worker!” When he would find an egg he’d say, “I fine (find) one!” Uncle Jared hid Kenzie’s eggs really well. She had a hard time finding some of them. The kids had fun and we sure enjoyed watching them. Vikki and her family left around 3pm. I took the boys downstairs to play. Close to 4pm I lay Adam down for a nap. Grandpa, Mom, Jared, and I play tonk (a favorite card game). We had a great time. At one point we were all pounding on the table and chanting, “Get Jared, Get Jared!” Jacob played with matchbox cars. Mom left to take Mel’s family their Easter baskets. Dad played tonk in her place. Adam never did go to sleep. I brought him downstairs to play. Jacob played at the table with playdoh. I took the boys upstairs to play while I did a 30-min run. Jacob played on the piano. Adam had fun with the cash register and the play golf set. Jared and I took the boys outside and they had fun on the battery powered cars. We didn't stay out for long because it was cold and windy. For dinner we ate leftovers. Vikki and Kenzie came back after we'd eaten dinner. Kenzie was holding Jacob’s legs as he did the wheel barrel across the room. Then Kenzie held Uncle Jared’s legs but she could keep up with him. Chuck and Sue came over and we visited with them. Around 8:30 I got the boys in their pj’s. Adam was very tired so I tucked him in bed. He fell asleep very quickly. Jacob and Daddy rested on the couch while watching Cars. Grandpa, Mom, Vikki, Kenzie, and I played tonk. After Vikki and Kenzie left Jared came to play tonk with us. We headed home around 10:30. Jacob and Adam fell asleep quickly in the car.


Melissa said...
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Aunt Missy said...

Jacob, you sure look handsome in your Easter clothes! I love you and tell Adam I love him too. XOXO

Melissa said...

The boys look cute in their green shirts. I sure did miss everyone. I was so sad that we couldn't make it. Love you guys and hope we are all better soon so we can get together.

Melissa said...

Nice family pictures too.

Vikki's Blog said...

what a fun day!!! Nice pictures

uncle dee said...

Great pictures -- but I missed seeing Jared in a green shirt. He needs to get with the group!

Did Jacob and Adam have an egg in the toe of their shoes?

Happy Easter! It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm, on Easter; today (Monday) is rainy and windy.

Mom Russell said...

Sounds like so much fun. MOM R