Sunday, April 26, 2009

I got up to exercise around 6:30. Jacob woke up about an hour later. He played with tools until around 8:00 when Daddy woke up. Adam was soon awake also. After breakfast the boys played with tools. I found some new ones at the garage sales so they've had fun with them. Jared went outside to take care of the animals. He came back in and told me that he'd found 12 dead chicks. He thinks there is a leak in their stall because the chicks looked wet and the cardboard is wet. He went back outside to move them into a different stall. Jacob also went out to play in the barn with his new diesel pedal tractor. Today was a cold and rainy day. At 10:00 we met my parent for the motorcycle memorial and pancake meal. Where we all meet they served donuts and coffee. The boys each ate a donut. Jacob picked a chocolate frosted and Adam picked a white frosted with sprinkles. Because of the rain most people drove vehicles rather than their motorcycles. Around 11:00 we headed over to the maple syrup festival. While waiting for our meal we took the boys to get something made from a balloon. Jacob acted shy and wanted to stay away with Daddy. Mom and I stood in line with Adam and the man made each of the boys a balloon airplane. The boys loved their airplanes and had fun with them. Jacob was sad after breakfast when it popped as it just sat on the table. I took him to get one more but that soon also popped. The breakfast was really good. We then walked around thru the craft sales. At 1:30 we headed home. On the way home we stopped to check out the dam. The water over the dam sure was moving fast because of all the rain we've gotten. It was neat to see. We also stopped at meijer for a few things. It was around 3:00 when we got home. The boys played with tools for a little while. The chick water holder broke, so Jared went to TSC to exchange it. I lay Adam down for a nap and Jacob rested in his bedroom. Jacob played with the play foods and dishes and also his cars. I did a 30 min run. Soon after Jared got back he and Jacob went outside. I did another 30 min run. Jared played some Wii sports. Then he played Wii Kart per Jacob’s request. I worked on hemming a few pair of pants for Mel. Adam woke up just before dinnertime. We watched Funniest Home Videos this evening. Its Jared's favorite and I probably have more fun watching him crack up laughing. The boys played in the tub until pj time.


LR said...

Wow...something big to fix the pipes. Watch out. I love Adams little teeth showing in his smile and Jacob looks sooooooo cold. Great variety in your day, I would say.

LR said...

I'm asking do you have a count of what little things are alive in the barn? I'm almost afraid to ask but I am. Sounds so bleak!

Kimmy said...

We started with 208 chicks and have lost 50.