Thursday, April 02, 2009

I got up at 6am to exercise. Jacob woke up around 6:30 but lay in bed until 7am. He was ready for breakfast right away when he came out. Adam slept in until 8:30. He usually say’s “Wake Mommy!” when I walk in his bedroom but this morning he grabbed his diaper and said, “Wet Mommy." After breakfast Adam played with his tools and Jacob played with playdoh. We watched Clifford and some of Sesame Street. I packed Adam and my bags for our trip. We had fun making maracas out of plastic cups and beans while listening to the donutman cd. The boys had even more fun playing with the beans. Jacob pretended they were boiled eggs. Adam would hand me one saying, “Eggs?” After lunch Jacob found three ladybugs and played with them in an egg carton. I was putting away the iron when Adam asked, “Doing Mommy?” He followed me saying, “Coming Mommy.” We went outside to enjoy the nice weather. It was sunny and in the low 60's today. The boys helped me give some more corn to the ducks. Then they played on the deck for a little while. I used the hose to wash the birdbath and then gave the hose to the boys. They sure had fun with it. Jacob loved making mud with every dirt pile he saw. He also liked washing his tractor cart or filling it up with water. Adam put his hand in front of the hose and the water came back at him. He threw the hose and ran away laughing. The next time he did that he wasn't so surprised. We also had fun walking back and forth on the old fence. We came back inside at snack time. Jacob set his packed bags by the couch so their ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s. We read some book and sang some songs together. Jacob did the hokey pokey song with me. Both boys like me to sing so they can turn my singing on and off by pushing a button. I lay Adam down for a nap around 2:30. Jacob rested while playing with his doctor kit, cash register, and cars. He asked me to come hear the songs he made up about God. Jared called me around 3pm. I noticed he was on his cell phone so I asked if he was coming home. He said no but that he was on his way to HSC and just wanted to talk with me. He surprised me as he came walking down our hallway. Then he surprised me even more with flowers and a pack of new socks. He's such a thoughful husband. We went outside and worked on fixing up the horses lean too. We then had fun playing with Jacob on an old fallen tree. He pretended to be caption. As he pointed at his shirt and said, “You see that patch. That sign says I’m caption.” We made bridges over the water ditch with some old fence boards. We took care of the animals and Jared found several eggs. He set them down in the hay while he climbed up to search for more eggs. As he was up there he threw down some bales and one landed right on his pile of eggs. We came back inside around 5:30. Adam had been sleeping for 3 hrs so we woke him up. After dinner we headed into town to visit a few car dealerships and get a few things at meijer. Got home around 8pm. Jared played with the boys while I packed the car. They were tucked in bed by 9pm.


Anonymous said...

Are Jared and Jacob playing cat's cradle? If not, I think it is time Jacob learned.

Vikki's Blog said...


Melissa said...

I was going to say exactly what Vikki said. That is the cutest picture ever!

mom s said...

Very cute picture, I agree.