Sunday, April 19, 2009

I got up at 6:00 and finished my exercises by 8:00. After that I lay in bed by Jared. Jacob soon crawled into bed with us. It wasn’t long before he was asking to type on the computer. We had to wake Adam up at 8:30. On the drive home from church we passed a school bus. Adam pointed it out saying, “school bus, top(stop) sign on dere.” We stopped at meijer and TSC before going home. For lunch we made chef boyardee pizza. After lunch the boys played with their tool. At 1pm we went outside. The weather was much cooler than yesterday. It was high 40’s and windy. Despite the wind we decided to burn the brush pile. We ended up having to get buckets of water from the “pond” to keep the fire from spreading quickly thru the paddock. With that strong wind the fire sure spreads fast in the dry grass. The boys had fun playing on the tractor and in the trees. We took a walk around the paddock. Adam came over to me crying and with one very wet leg. He’d stepped into a old post hole, which was nearly full of water. As I carried him to the house he said, “Cared (scared) me Mommy.” It was 3pm when we came in. The boys ate a snack as we read books. I lay Adam down for a nap at 3:30. Jacob rested in his bedroom and played with some cars, while I did a 30-min run. Jared came back inside a little after 4pm. He had pulled all the old posts out and fence down from the side of the paddock that we are re fencing. He rested for a little while before we went back outside. We worked on rolling up all the old fence and posts. Jacob used the loppers to trim small branches. As we walked to the house for a couple thing Jacob said, “I put the loppers in the cart. I left them in the grass and then I put them in the cart.” He was very proud of himself for remembering to pick them up. We walked around some of our property to check out the fence. After taking care of the animals we went inside for dinner. Adam woke up at 6:30. During dinner Daddy took Adam cup and pretended to drink from it. Adam smiled and said, “Silly Daddy.” After dinner the boys went around spraying hoses while pretending to be firemen. They had fun in the tub until pj time. Adam holds his Elmo up and as the water leaks from him he says, “peeing!”


The Daddy said...

Looks like Jared finally took my adviced and used some gas to get that fire going...dont say he didn't either..I see the gas can in the cart there with the boys on the lawn mower

Grandma R said...

Gas is like playing with fire. Dead grass, fire and wind just don't go together as you all well know. Crazy eyes of JB picture with the chickens in the backround is great. The chickens are beautiful. Once again...two great Michigan grandsons. The fence...Is wire really horse proof? It does make a neat looking fence. How many post holes have you dug?

Mom R said...

Just thinking that your Grandpa Hostetler would be right out there clearing and burning brush with you JB. You are becoming more like him then I could ever have believed.

Kimmy said...

I'll have to say he didn't, the gas was for the chainsaw. Though I did joke with him about using it.

mom s said...

I'm glad he didn't use the gas. Remember dad's experience using gas to start a fire. What an explosion. I almost had to call the fire department. Scarry...