Thursday, April 02, 2009

Adam liked running over this old fence and making this noise like he was almost falling off.

Jacob's song. I wasn't going to post it because the video is so shakey but its too cute!


Anonymous said...

Just listen to what Jacob already knows about music -- I know he cannot explain this, but he is demonstrating it: he knows that there are rhymes, the knows that there are repetitive refrains, he knows how to make a big finish, with rising pitch, slowing down, and holding out the last note! Notice how he also knows a lot about performance technique: the holding of the mike, the rhythmic movement with bopping and swaying. This is a great example of his learning! Thanks so much for capturing this, even with a shaky video.

Vikki's Blog said...

That video is sooooo adorable, jacob is an awesome kid. Cute of Adam, he is awesome too. :o) He sure looks like Jacob in that video. WOW!!!

Melissa said...

Very cute!!! I'm glad you posted it.

mom s said...

Adam is so cute on that board. At first I thought he was Jacob. He is getting so big and sounds so cute.

Jacob's singing is adorable. He sure made up a good song. I remember you girls when you were little making up songs like that and also Kenzie when she was real little. God had to be smiling down on Jacob. He sure made me smile. I'm proud of those boys.
Love you!

The Daddy said...

Looks like there was an earth quake there in MI with all the shanking going on

Kimmy said...

Ha Ha Eric. I see you got ahold of my camera while we were down there.

The Daddy said...

I dont know what you are talking about kimmy