Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Adam waiting for his turn on the slide.


Stuck on his blanket.

I got up to exercise at 6am. Jacob was up shortly after 8:00. We cuddled and then he asked to play hide and seek. We had fun playing that. He did a little typing on the computer until Adam woke up at 8:45. The boys ate cheerios and toast for breakfast. Jacob said, “Mommy, cheerios make your body strong.” I had to set the timer and the boys took turns using the fishing puzzle. Then they played with tools. Jacob said to Adam, “Lets go fix the water pipes!” Adam replied, “Uh huh!” The headed into Jacob’s bedroom with safety glasses on their heads and tools in their hands, off to fix my water pipes. We watched Clifford using the antenna this morning. I’ve gotten spoiled with digital but the boys didn’t seem to mind it being fuzzy. They were both very excited about getting to watch it. I got out the soft cars and train set for Adam to play with. Jacob played at the counter with his automoblox. Then the boys had fun coloring with markers and using scissors. Then I gave them some black paper and chalk to draw with. After lunch Adam lined up the table chairs and said it was a train. We all sat on his train and made train sounds. Jacob went down to our bedroom saying, “I wanna jump on the bed so I can get my heart rate up.” This afternoon I worked on cleaning the house. Jacob helped me mop the kitchen floor. He also picked up toys so I could vacuum the floor. The boys played so well together all the while I cleaned. They put on their winter hats and played with their cars on the car mat. After their snack we read books and then I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob played with his cash register while resting. I prepared roast, carrots, and potatoes for dinner. Jacob said, “You know what I wanna be when I grow up, a fireman.” Jacob played at the counter with some rice, measuring cups and tractors. Adam woke up just before Daddy came home from work. We all went outside to take care of the animals. Jacob pulled Adam around in the wagon. We lost 7 more chicks today. After dinner Jacob played for a little while with the ride. Adam came over to me with doctor tools in his hand saying, “Doctor Mommy, Doctor.” Jared had class tonight. This evening the boys played with legos. Then they rode around on their ride on vehicles. They were tucked in bed around 9pm.


mom s said...

Nice smiling pictures except that last one of Adam. You never have to worry about your water pipes with those two boys. They fixec mine in the basement too. So cute!