Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just woke up.

"Picture me Mommy."

This morning Jacob woke up shortly after 8:00. He helped me make my bed. Then I woke Adam up. After eating breakfast and getting ready we headed to church. We got there around 9:15. The other helper didn’t show up today. But that was ok because there was only one little boy beside Jacob and Adam. The little boys (who is 2) name is Jonah, though Jacob kept calling him Noah. Jacob told Jonah’s mom (and many other people today), “I’m gonna be four years old.” As he told people this he’d hold up four fingers. He loves to pick different four finger combinations, his favorite being two on each hand. If asked he’d tell them his birthday was on May 26th. The boys enjoyed playing with the tunnel, play foods, and the wooden birthday cake. Jacob walked around with the tunnel over his body and was picking up toys and dropping them back out as he said, “Pit-too-a!” Many, many times we put candles on the cake, sang happy birthday, and blew them out. Then the boys would take turns cutting pieces to eat. Jacob was doing running laps around the room trying to get his heart rate up. He’d then stop to have me feel his heartbeat. The boys also enjoyed drawing with markers as they sat at the table. While they ate their snack we watched a Thomas train video. We played ring around the rosie. The boys then played with cars until Jonah’s mom came to pick him up. We had a great time. From there we headed over to Salvation Army. Jacob and Adam ate a packed lunch. As we walked thru the store Adam pointed out the fish tank saying, “Fish tank.” Jacob looked at me and said, “Mommy, your hair looks great!” I found some nice water boots for Jacob. Then we went to pick up chicken food at the grain elevator. As we drove across the parking lot, from the store to pick up the grain, the boys sat together in the passenger seat. They were so excited about sitting there for that short distance. We stopped at Walmart for a couple things before going home. The boys ate a snack and we read some books. Jacob read the dump truck book to us. I tucked Adam in for a nap at 3pm. Jacob rested in his bedroom. When I walked by his room he had his pillow and sleeping bag out and he looked so comfy laying in it. He asked me to zip it up for him. I did a 30-min run. Jacob and I went outside. We put on our water boots and walked in the “pond” water. Jacob loved being able to walk in the water with his boots. He said, “Mommy, thanks for buying me these water boots.” Jared came home while Jacob was walking in the ditch. Daddy stopped to say hi. As Daddy drove the car up the driveway Jacob raced after him. We went inside for a little while before coming back out to take care of the animals. Jacob brought out his Tonka dump truck to play with in the barn. Adam was awake when we came back inside. The boys played with automoblox until dinner was ready. After dinner Daddy and the boys played with legos. I chatted on the phone with Vikki. Then I sat down on the floor to build with legos too. Adam was climbing on the tricycles and said, “Picture (take a picture of) me Mommy.” The boys had fun in the tub. Adam wanted out early because he got soap in his eye. As I lifted him out he said, “Out, Play with Daddy.” We always turn on the shower for Jacob after Adam gets out. Jacob was excited to get a longer time in the shower. Adam does not like a shower. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm.


Grandma R said...

Now I'm impressed. 2 fingers plus 2 fingers = 4 fingers. And the map. There is a lot of learning going on. Add the Salvation Army, church, Vikki's house. And see if Jacob can do a little labeling. More words to think about. That last tub picture...I was thinking that you had two of Jacob. Well, the eyes gave it away. Great pictures. The blue hat is great. Works even in the house.

Melissa said...

I thought they looked alot alike in those bath pictures too. If it weren't for the eyes it would be hard to tell.