Monday, April 06, 2009

Jacob was up around 7:30. He watched me finish a boxing exercise. During his breakfast we watched Curious George. He asked to play with moon sand so I got that out for him. I woke Adam up at 9:30. Jacob saw that Adam was awake and said, “Yeah! Adam I’m playing with moon sand. You wanna play?” We watched Bob the Builder while Adam ate his breakfast. Jacob was very helpful this morning. While I was changing Adam’s diaper he asked for his blankets. Jacob said, “I can get them for you Adam. Do you want your doggie too?”After giving them to Adam he requested Louie. Jacob said, “I can get him for you.” But then Adam said, “No, I get him.” Jacob said, “Ok. I will put him in the hallway for you.” He gave Adam several of his own toys to play with. We left for Nana’s house at 10:30. She wasn’t home yet but Kenzie was there. Adam and Jacob had fun playing with Kenzie. Adam got out the cash register saying, “Buy some-pin?” Around 11:30 the boys ate lunch. After lunch I took them down to play in the basement per Adam’s request. I did a 30-min run down there. Nana came home and we went upstairs to see her. Adam started rolling up Nana’s rug saying, “Roll it up.” I had a 2pm dentist appointment today. I was going to take Jacob with me but he wanted to stay with Nana and Kenzie. I asked Adam if he wanted to come and he said, “Wes. Shoes on?” He was very excited and gave me his shoes to put on him. He waited by the door. We were early so we got to have fun in their nice play area. Adam went right to cooking in the play kitchen. He had me sit at the little table and he made me many meals. We had a great time. Back in the room Adam sat quietly in the chair watching them clean my teeth. He also enjoyed watching the birds out the window. We had brought some cars but he didn’t play with them much. When the dentist left the room Adam got down from the chair and started talking a lot about the birds. He sure was fun to bring along. We headed back to Mom’s around 3:30. On our way back we made a quick stop at Aldi’s. Before going home the boys and I helped Nana and Kenzie decorate Easter Eggs. Kenzie is staying at our house tonight. We got home around 5pm. Jared was already there. Adam had fallen asleep in the car. As I carried him inside he woke up but was still sleepy. I lay him on the couch and covered him with his blankets. Jacob set the two green chairs by the couch where Adam was laying. One chair had several books on it and the other chair was for Jacob to sit in so he could read to Adam. It was so sweet. We all went outside to take care of the animals. After dinner Kenzie and Uncle Jared played Mario Kart. I folded and put away laundry. This evening Daddy put a blanket over himself and pretended to be a "Giant num num." The boys sure laughed hard as the Giant num num came at them and got them. Jacob put a blanket over his head and was a "Little Giant num num" as he came to get us. Adam now likes to jump off the couch. The kids were tucked in bed by 9pm. Jared and I watched 24.