Monday, April 07, 2008

Jacob woke up at 7:45 and Adam woke up at 8:30. Jacob went into Adam's bedroom to playe peek-a-boo with him and then wanted me to lift him into his crib. After we had breakfast, brushed teeth, and got dressed it was around 10am. We watched Sesame street. It was a beautiful day outside, warm (~65 degrees) but windy. We went outside and took a walk up to the sand hill. Jacob pulled his little wagon and some shovels. It was windy but we sat with our backs to the wind and played in the sand. Jacob liked filling up his wagon and pretending it was horse poop. He'd fill it up and then take it to dump. When I dumped it he said, "not like dat, like dis". As he showed me he said, "gotta use the pork (a kids rake) like Daddy do". Daddy always used a pitch fork when he's dumping the manure. Adam also enjoyed the sand, picking up handfulls and playing with the shovel. I dug up some sand and he really liked to take handfuls out of my hand. I took the boys for a walk down our road while pulling them in the wagon. They both seemed to enjoy this. Adam really talked alot on the way back home. By the time we got back it was time for lunch. Daddy always calls to talk to me during lunch. Today Jacob asked to talk and got to talk longer that I did. Adam had a major messy diaper that I noticed when Jacob pointed and said, Uh oh, Adam pooped". Jacob asked to play with his barn on our bed and we listened to some music. Jacob got down and gave Adam one of his toys to play with. Then he came to me and said, "I tared (shared) dat toy with Adam, ewe wanna tee me do dat". He took the toy andn then kindly handed it back to Adam with a smile saying in a soft voice, "ewe like dat toy Adam, dat pun (fun)?". We went into Jacob's bedroom and I read some books to him while Adam pulled books off the book shelf. Adam lay down for his nap ~ 2:30 and Jacob rested. Jacob ended up falling asleep on the couch. While the boys were napping I went outside to clean the Saturn. It was very messy. I worked on it for 2 hours and was just about finished when Jared got home from work. Jared was really impressed with how clean I was able to get it. He put the door latch back on the chicken coop. I took care of the animals and noticed another broiler chick had died. Adam woke up and shortly after that Jacob woke up. We had dinner and then went into town for some coffee at Tim Hortons. We then went to Home Depot. The boys had fun in the car carts. Then Jacob got down to walk. We always enjoy walking around in that store. Got some more paint and looked at horse and chicken fencing. Had some ice cream this evening.


Melissa said...

I love how Jacob told you he was sharing with Adam and then wanted to show you. That's so cute how he said it. I also love the picture of Jacob and Truman. He sure looks alot older in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Woa Jacob looks so much older in these pics. He needs to stay little looking. Its so sad to see him look more grown up.

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that it's warming up for you. We had the windows open during the night and it it a bit cool in the house this morning. I worked in the flower beds...burned the tall grass yesterday. Today I want to preen the garden. That's my garden weed killer.

The Daddy said...

Jared didn't put the feed/water on top of the one that died this time did he??

Brother Cassian said...

Truman is a saint.