Saturday, April 05, 2008

We got up around 8:30. During breakfast this morning Jacob was looking at his tractor book and singing, "tractor get all dirty in dirt, tractor get all dirty in dirt, tractor get all dirty in dirt". He looked at Kenzie and I and wanted us to sing it with him. We went out for our Saturday am donut run. Then we stopped at Goodwill and the pet store. Jacob and Kenzie got to hold some bunnies. Jacob loved watching their noses. When we got home Jacob asked to play with his rice. I gave him some bowls and the measuring spoon set. He said he was going to make me some mac-n-cheese. He measured it until the bowl was full and patted it down. Then he gave it to me saying to be careful because it was hot. Adam had fun playing while he danced to some music. Kenzie went with Uncle Jared to town to get some wood. I fed the boys some lunch and then we went outside. Jared and Kenzie were already outside working on the trim. Jacob asked to paint his truck so I got him some water and a brush. We set up Adam's playpen so he could safely play by us while we worked. He was very content playing with his toys and throwing thing out of the playpen. Vikki came over to play with the boys while we painted. She brought Jacob a bug net and container and a package with some masking and red tape it it. He loves to play with tape lately. She brough Adam some bath toys that he liked chewing on. Kenzie helped him find a bug to put in his container. Kenzie and I worked on painting the trim while Jared worked on finishing the trim. Uncle Jared let Kenzie use his brad nailer. I took Adam inside for his nap. Kenzie put on Uncle Jared's water boots and went out into the water in our backyard. Izzy (their dog) went for a swim. Vikki helped Jacob find rocks to throw in the water. Once the trim was hung and we had painted a second coat of white, it was time for the red paint. Kenzie and Jacob did a good job helping us paint. Soon Adam woke up and Vikki kept him well entertained. He loved sitting in the grass. By the time we were done it was past dinner time. We decided to get cleaned up and go to Fazoli's for dinner. Kenzie and I went inside to give Izzy a bath. Adam got stuck in the toybox because the lid fell on him (last picture). She seemed to enjoy rolling in horse poop and was very dirty. Dinner was good and we had a nice visit. Thank -you Vikki and Kenzie for all your help today - I love you both lots! The boys were very tired and fell asleep on the drive home. Jared and I took care of the animals after we got home.


Anonymous said...

The chicken house looks GREAT. And...what memories for you all working together. Vicki should helped to make it easier for you all. You can call it a chicken mansion now.

Anonymous said...

Yea we had so much fun. Cant wait to paint the barn. LOL Family Project!

Anonymous said...

How nice to see the pictures of all of you working together. Mykenzie and Jacob are sure serious in the one picture of them painting. I love the one of you and Kenzie bending over at the same time, and the one of Jared and Jacob on the ladder and you and Kenzie in the picture painting.
Nice memories. Also nice to know you are training the grandkids to be great painters...should come in handy some day ha ha.
Did Vikki take that picture of Adam in the toy box. So Funny.
I am impressed that Kenzie used Uncle Jared's brad nailer. Cute picture. Also nice picture of her and the chicken.

Melissa said...

I love the pictures of Kenzie working with the brad nailer wearing the goggles and the ones of Jacob and Jared on the ladder. Looks like you have a couple of great helpers.

The Daddy said...

Its the attack of the killer toy box!