Thursday, April 17, 2008

Adam woke up to nurse around 7am. He had a fever so I gave him some tylenol. He then slept until 8:30. Jacob woke up around 7:30. After breakfast and Clifford was over and the kids were dressed and had brushed their teeth we went into Jacob's bedroom to play. Got out all their playskool/tonka cars to play with. Adam liked looking at the books. He's still drooling alot today. While we were eating lunch Jacob found a ladybug crawling on the table. He played with that bug for a long time. He likes to put his hand in front of them so they crawl onto his hand. It was very warm outside and in the mid 70's. We took a walk down the road. Jacob always wants to walk to the end of our road and see this moss hill in the woods that Kenzie pointed out to him when she stayed with us. He says to me, "ewe wanna go tee dat big green moss way down dere, ewe wanna go tee dat?" as he points down the road. When we got back Jacob played in his sand and Adam wanted to pet Tiger. Around 2:30 Adam lay down for a nap and Jacob rested while playing with his cars in his bedroom. Around 4pm Jacob and I went outside to take care of the animals. After dinner tonight we went into town and took the kids to the playground. Jacob really enjoys walking over the bridge. We had fun at the playground. Adam liked swinging and playing on the first level of the play area. Jacob liked the first and second levels, but before leaving he did get brave enough to go to the third level with Daddy and enjoyed that too. We took Adam down the slides and he seemed to like that too. He had a big smile on his face at the bottom. I took lots of pictures but when I got home all but a few were gone. On the way home we went into McDonalds for McFlurries. Jacob got an ice cream cone. He really enjoyed it and was so neat with it. He'd take a bite of the cone and then want to wipe his face with the napkin. Adam really liked playing with the tops to our McFlurries. He'd put his hand through the hole on top but then would get upset because he couldn't get his hand back out. Both boys love when Daddy makes a mustache with his napkin. The last picture is Adam as he looks in his crib - notice the puddles of drool:)


The Daddy said...

Sounds like a fun day....oh yeah we just had an EARTH QUAKE here in Indy about 5:30 am talk about a wake up call! Shook the entire house

Brother Cassian said...

Oh, ice cream cones! I loved getting the Dairy Queen cones covered in chocolate. I liked the brittle chocolate covering. But I could never get the thing eaten before it was running all down the cone and my arm. I now eat my ice cream in a dish.