Sunday, April 06, 2008

We woke up atourn 8:30 this morning so we only had a short time to get ready to make it to the early service at church. It was a nice, warm spring day. Stopped at meijer on the way home and got pizza for lunch. Adam enjoyed pizza for lunch also. He got some on his nose and Jacob looked at him and said, "Adam and me got small noses, Mommy and Daddy got big noses". We opened up the windows in the house to let the fresh air in. After lunch we went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. Jacob had fun riding with Daddy on the tractor. They dumped the cart full of horse manure and when they were done Jacob said, "now we gotta go get more poop". Adam loves to sit on the tractor and play with the wheel. While he was napping I got the white trim touch ups done. Jared built some saw horses and Jacob had fun helping him. Then I cleaned alot of messy stalls. We moved the goat and sheep to a clean stall and I cleaned their stall also. When the cart would get full Jacob and Daddy would drive the tractor up the hill in the pasture and dump it. Jacob would get off the tractor and run out into the sand wanting Daddy to pick him up on the way back. Jared cleaned his workshop and Jacob played in a large pile of sawdust. He sure had alot of fun getting dirty and hanging out with Daddy. When I asked him what he was doing he said, "Um, I'm just getting dirty". I did the touch up paint for the red on the coop. As I was on the last side Adam woke up. He had taken a long nap. Daddy and Jacob went inside while I finished up. After dinner we got out the bikes and went for a bike ride. The boys loved it. We had lots of fun. When we got inside Jacob asked to lay by Daddy on the couch. Then he wanted him to play with his barn and his money. Adam loves to push buttons. He pushes the buttons on the tv, dvd player, vcr and x-box. When he pushes the button to the x-box it opens up right at his head level. He either ducks down or comes to me. When I tucked Jacob in bed tonight he told me all about his fun day outside.


Anonymous said...

I see they liked the frog's. Does the boat float or sink?

Melissa said...

Sounds like a fun day. We enjoyed the nice weather too. Love the pictures of the boys going for a bike ride.