Monday, April 28, 2008

Adam woke up to nurse at 5:30 and then slept until 7:30. I had fun listening to him talking in his crib. Jacob came down to the bedroom around 7:45. He said, "un oh, where Daddy go, no Daddy gotta go to work". Jacob was looking at his hurt hand from yesterday and then pointed to the crease in his hand and said, “I got a line in me hand, I pall down I got a owie and I got a line”. He held Trumans collar and they ran up and down the hallway. Jacob said, “I love Truman, Mommy love Kate”. Jacob rolled up the rug in our kitchen and walked around with it. After breakfast Jacob wanted to play with the lego's. Adam likes walking around with the pieces and now also likes to throw them. At 10am we had snacks and watched Sesame street. Around 10:30 Adam seemed very tired. I lay him down for a nap and he slept until 12:45. While he was sleeping Jacob and I went outside. Jacob played in his sand and I got some of the lawn mowed. The deck to our riding lawn mower is broken so we have to push mow our yard. Soon we'll be getting a new riding lawn mower. It was a nice, cool day and alot of fun to push mow on a day like this. When it was time to go inside for lunch Jacob said, "no me wanna go inside, I just wanna stay outside" as he nodded his head. This evening we went to meijer and got lots of groceries. Jacob was so tired he lay in the basket of the cart playing with his tractors. He was so quiet I thought he had fallen asleep. We made a tent with Jacob's eisle and blanket. Adam and Jacob both were so excited sitting in it. When I told Jacob I would fit in his tent he pulled it out from the couch and said, "I pull it out and Mommy do fit in me tent". I lay down and put my head in there with both boys. Jacob enjoyed an ice cream cone and was really excited that his cone was green. He helped me prepare strawberries for strawberrie shortcake. He loved mashing them with the masher.


Brother Cassian said...

Mashing strawberries??!!

Why aren't they left whole?

They fit better on the ends of your fingers if they are whole.

Anonymous said...

I like them better on bisquit mashed up. Jacob won't try them. Maybe he'd like to put them on his fingers, we'll see, but for this batch they've all been mashed - yum!

Anonymous said...

Hailey won't try fresh strawberries either. We just made strawberry shortcake too and we can't get her to try even just one bite. She used to love them until we found out she was allergic and couldn't let her have them anymore. Now that she can have them again, she won't even try a little bite. Of course, Max loves them though. Has Jacob ever tried star fruit? Max and Hailey both love that because they look like stars when you cut them up. Melissa