Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mallard ducks in our back yard. They saw me and are flying off.

Layer hens.
Broiler chicks - always some lined up at the feeder.
Outdoor fun!

Daddy and Jacob while watching American Idol.

Jacob asked to watch his tractor movie this morning so we put that in instead of watching Sesame Street. I got some dusting done. Jared called and said I needed to take a trip sometime soon to the Secretary of State and get my liscence renewed in order for van loan to go through. It has been expired for more that 1 1/2 yrs so its something I really needed to get done anyway. We headed into town around 11am. When we got to the Secretary of States office I put the boys in their stroller and got my number. I noticed a sign saying they didn't take credit or debit card and since that's all I had with me I had leave and get some cash. I walked over to the ATM and waited in line with the stroller behind four other cars - felt a little awkward. After that was taken care of we went to Salvation army. The boys ate lunches I had packed for them. Then we went to the bank to give the loan department a copy of my renewed drivers liscence. We brought Jacob's change from his bank which was full and he helped dump it in the coin machine. We took the receit to the teller so they could deposit it into his account. They let him pick out a sucker. I opened it for him when we got to meijer. We returned some pop cans and Jacob liked putting them in the machine. When we got to the checkout Jacob handed me things to scan. Adam rode the penny pony and really enjoyed it. He smiled the whole time, When the ride was over he rocked back and forth trying to get it to go again. When I took him off he leaned and reached to get back on. Jacob didn't want to ride but liked putting the penny in and enjoyed watching Adam ride. Meijer has some car carts that you can push around for a dollar but Jacob likes to sit in them and pretend he's driving while pushing the buttons. Adam sat next to him with a big smile. We got home shortly after 2pm and had yogurt snacks. Jacob cames over to me and said, "ewe wanna watch my magic trick, it really cool" as he jumped from the rug in the entrance way to the floor in the kitchen. Adam took and nap and Jacob rested while I cleaned up the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher. Jacob came outside with me and helped me feed the animals. He really likes to help. As I took a scoop of grain to Sammy he grabbed a handful to throw in his dish. He picked up a flake of hay to carry to the goats all on his own. The he helped me carry a bucket of water to them. After dinner this evening we went outside. Jared spread the compost pile in the garden and then tilled it up. Jacob and Adam had fun playing outside. I cleaned up dog poop in the yard and picked weeds out of the flower garden. We took a walk down our road to get the mail. After a while Jacob asked to ride in the stroller. I took Adam out and let him ride on my shoulders. We went inside at 8pm to watch American Idol. Adam was being really goofy walking around with his coins in his mouth. He has his Daddy's dance moves and it was so fun watching him dancing to the music. He's move his arms and goes around in a tight circle. Then he'd squat and stand up. When he'd fall forward he would hurry to stand up and continue dancing. Jacob brought out his comfy chair to sit on. He loves to climb up onto Daddy's shoulders.


Melissa said...

I cannot believe how big those baby chicks are already! Cute outside pictures and I love the one of Jared and Jacob watching American Idol.

Anonymous said...

So happy to know that you are legal again. Wooo...1 1/2 yr. Those broilers are really growing up. The layers are cute. All that color. We've got to get that bank full again.