Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jacob came in bed with me at around 8:30 this morning. Adam woke up soon after. Jacob liked playing under the covers with Truman. During breakfast this morning Adam played peek-a-boo covering his face with his bib. After breakfast the boys played under the eisle. It was fun just to sit back and watch them play together while I drank my coffee. Then the boys each got a walking stick and walked around with them. Jacob hooked his stick to the back of his ride on tractor and pretended it was a tow truck. We played train to the bathroom to brush teeth and hair. I got the boys dressed and I think Truman swallowed one of Jacob’s sock I had left on the floor. I wished I had some peroxide so I could make him puke. Adam sat on the empty dog food bag and Jacob pulled him on the kitchen floor. Then I pulled & pushed them on it together and by themselves. When I’d stop Adam would rock trying to get moving again. Jacob likes to get handfuls of dog food out of their container and give pieces to the dogs as treats. Adam stood by him watching as he got some out and Jacob said to him in a soft voice, “you can’t go in there, I torry (sorry)”. Adam walked around the house with the walking stick and Jacob sat at the counter playing with his cars. At lunchtime Jacob stood on his stool at the counter to watch me use the can opener. As he leaned up against the counter his feet slipped back and he fell smacking his face on the stool. He sliced the inside of his upper lip/gum area and got a bloody nose. We had ice cream cones after lunch. This afternoon we went for a walk down our road. The neighbors across the street from our goat paddock came out to introduce themselves to us. They have a little boy named Nick who is only a few months younger than Jacob and a daughter who is 8 years old and loves horses. As I talked with them the boys had fun playing in the ditch. They both liked watching the cat climb up the tree. Their favorite was watching a couple dump truck go down the road. After we said goodbye we went back home. Jacob walked in the door and said, “I had pun (fun)”. As I was nursing Adam Jacob talked about his new friend. He said, “I a big boy n Nick a big boy too”. Then he said, “I wanna go outside n play with Nick, I want Nick to come in me house”. While Adam was napping Jacob took a short rest in his bedroom while playing with his lego’s. Around 4pm we went outside. Jacob played in his sand while I did a little mowing. Then we played in his fort. He wanted me to go in the upper level and pretend with him. When I’d ask for things like a straw, fork, or towel he’d say, “I gotta go down me slide” and he’d run out in the grass and get them. We went inside for some hot chocolate and a snack. Had spaghetti for dinner and Adam loved it. Jacob sucked his spaghetti noodle in and looked at me and said, "laugh, dat toe punny, laugh". Jared's back has been bothering him for a couple days now. He's been using the rice sock alot. You'd think with his back being like it is he'd take it easy but still he carried a 50 lb bag of wood pellets in this morning. I brought Jacob's bed mattress out to the living room for them to play on. He pretended it was his boat. Adam liked walking on it and trying to step off of it. Every time he'd fall but that didn't stop him from trying it again. We watched American Idol this evening.


Anonymous said...

The movies are wonderful. Adam is really getting very steady on his feet. It's nice that Jacob can have a neighbor over some day to play. But three in the sandbox can be very different then two. Jacob is looking a little old. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Poor Jacob. Hope his lip feels better quick. It's nice he has a little friend his age so close.
I love how he talks. You do a good job writing how he says things. Cute pictures of my boys!
I'm praying for Jared's back to feel better. Those rice socks are sure nice for occasions such as that.

Brother Cassian said...

I hope that Jared notices how restrained his mother is in her comment. I see no mention in there about any stupid behavior, nothing about not being careful, nothing, nothing, nothing. He seems to have a kind mother. (Is she kinder than her son?)