Friday, April 25, 2008

We left the house early again this morning. This weekend close to where my Mom lives there is a festivle and its a HUGE weekend for garage sales. We go to them every year. This year I am home so we were able to got before Sat. Mom, the boys and I got there around 8am. We parked the car and walked while pushing the boys in their strollers. The strollers are great also for carrying the things we get. It was a cool, windy day which felt great. It was supppose to rain but we never got any while we were shopping. We found alot of nice things and had lots of fun. The boys both took naps in the strollers being so tired for getting up so early. Adam didn't sleep very long though. I packed us lunch and we ate that on the way home. Back at Mom's we brought everything in and sorted through it. I left around 4pm to pick Jared up from work. Jacob was really excited to show Daddy his matchbox garbage truck he got. Whenever I'd call it a truck he'd say, "no its not a truck, silly Mommy, it just a garbage truck, silly Mommy". On our way home we stopped to pick up food for the chickens. We also stopped at Bed, Bath & Beyond to get a gift for my cousin whos wedding shower is tomorrow. We decided to take the boys to a really nice playground in our area. Daddy and Jacob took off in one direction and I followed Adam. He was really excited. He crawled up the stairs and we slid down the slide. He likes to climb up the wrong way on the slide and when he slides backwards he says, "weeee". Its so cute! He crawled up to the top and walked around up there. Jacob and Daddy found us up there. Adam doesn't want to back down the steps he wants to walk down them like we do. He also will try to step up without hanging onto anything. Jacob liked walking across the bridge and Adam liked putting woodchips on it. I pushed Adam in the swing. Daddy played with Adam and then Jacob and I went over to play on the train and firetruck. Jacob wanted to pretend the firetruck was an ambulance. He wanted me to be a "sick person" and ride in the back. Then he wanted me to drive with him. We'd have a problem and he'd get down and fix all of the tires. When it was time to leave Jacob cried because he wanted to stay at the playground. We went out to fazoli's for dinner. More garage sales tomorrow:)


Brother Cassian said...

The pictures do not need any words. They are a great account of you time at the park! And to think that happened AFTER a busy day of shopping for bargains -- and that after ALL OF THAT you went to Fazoli's! Wow! What a day of specials!

Anonymous said...

You can find the BEST playgrounds. Jacob knows what a good place feels like. It's another emotion that is being feed. Good luck today. I remember those days of garage sales. When I started working I would stop on the way to school to check things out. Crazy, isn't it.

The Daddy said...

Kimmy you might want to check Adam's feet for splinters. Andrew had one after being bear foot on the ice cream truck in Copper Harbor..we didnt' think it could happen since that wood is pretty smooth but never know...looks like its time to invest in some "ooshes" shoes in Andrew speek