Saturday, April 19, 2008

At the start of our ride
Kenzie thinks she's too big for a little bike

Uncle Jared is too big for a little bike:)
Never tell Uncle Jared he can't do something She even rode Uncle Jared's bike but he had to help her start and stop because her legs weren't long enough with the bar.

It got chilly after the sun went down.

We left for drinks and donuts around 9am. Jacob asked to go into Dunken Donuts with Daddy. He came walking out holding his chocolate milk and Daddy was holding the other things. They looked so cute. We walked around Salvation army and Goodwill and went to a couple pet stores. The boys love looking at the bunnies, birds, reptiles and fish. We came home with some fish from Pet Smart. Got home around noon and had lunch. Around 1:30 I nursed Adam before his naptime. Jacob and Daddy went outside. I lay Adam in his crib and he talked himself to sleep. I went outside and Jacob was having fun playing in the sawdust in Daddy's workshop. I got some rags, a bucket of soapy water, and the hose. Jacob and I washed things like bikes, the wagon, and Jacob's truck. He was a great helper. He loved pouring the soap in the bucket, scrubbing with the rag, and rinsing with the hose. What a beautiful day for this. Jared worked on fixing the tractor and figured out what was wrong with it. He drove to a place down the road to get a part but they weren't open on Sat. We decided to shear Maude. Jacob played iwith his tractors in the dirt by us. Jared held Maude while I did the trimming. Last year I was about due for Adam when we did this job. Maude doesn't have alot of wool this year so that also made the job easier. After Adam was up from his nap we got things ready and met Vikki and Kenzie downtown for a bike ride. Kenzie really wants to ride a bigger bike and she tried all of ours. She asked to ride a bigger bike but none of us wanted to ride her little bike, except Jared. He rode that little pink and purple bike for over a mile. He and Kenzie had a race and he was not going to let her win even on that small bike. Saw some turkey in the woods all puffed up - stopped to look at them. Jacob wanted out to see them better. We had SO much fun! What a great day. We rode for 10 miles and Adam got fussy after about 8 miles. Vikki gave him her cell phone to play with and that kept him happy until we got back. We sat at a picnic table and had drinks and snacks. Uncle Jared and Kenzie went for a ride over the bridge. After we left there I got a coffee and we went to Fazoli's for dinner. The boys fell asleep on the drive home and Jacob stayed asleep as I changed him in pj's and put him to bed. Adam was so tired that he fell asleep as I nursed him. He rarely ever falls asleep in my arms so I enjoyed the moment and cuddled with him before laying him in his crib.


Anonymous said...

Looks like some one needs a trip to a bicycle shop for some helmets. Better to break a helmet than a head and I know how to break a helmet
Dust Bunny