Saturday, April 26, 2008

After getting our donuts and drinks this morning we headed over to a grocery store to meet my Mom there at 8am. It was 50 degrees and very windy outside - burr! We went to a few garage sales and then meet up with Mel and her family. We walked back to our car and then drove through some crazy traffic to go to the downtown sales. We walked around the block to many sales and found some good deals. We decided it was too cold to be outside with the kids sitting in their strollers so we got in our vehicles and drove around and went to sales that way. Adam fell asleep right away in the car. We got back to Mom's around noon to have some lunch. Today is my cousins wedding shower. I took Adam to the shower with me and Jacob got to stay with Daddy. Mom, Mel, Hailey, and Adam drove together and I rode with Vikki and Kenzie. Adam sat on my lap and played with a plastic cup and two plastic spoons. They kept him well entertained for awhile. Then he wanted down to walk around. Once he was down he'd did not want to be held. It was a very nice shower. One highlight of my day was feeling my unborn nephew moving. We left around 4pm and headed over to the dog park with Vikki's, Kenzie, and their dogs. Kenzie, who is having some problems in school, got a good report this week from her teacher. Going to the dog park for 2 hrs is something she gets to do for the good report. Jared and Jacob met us there. Jared said Jacob fell asleep on the drive home and when he woke up he cried for ~20 min asking for me. After that he was fine and they went outside. Jared got some digging done in the sandbox and Jacob played on the slide. Then they went to the playground we were at yesterday. Jacob had alot of fun going down every slide there. When Jared would try to catch him at the bottom Jacob didn't want any help. He really enjoyed going down on his belly. At the dog park we went over to the playground and all had lots of fun. This evening Jared found a gray tree frog and brought it in to show Jacob. It was quite the hopper. Jacob really liked watching and holding it. Jacob dumped his cars out on the floor and held the bag while Adam put them back in the bag. Jared had Adam laughing so hard this evening. I was holding him and he'd get a serious look as Daddy walked away but when he would come towards us Adam would smile so big and laugh as he got tickeled. After Adam was in bed we got out the lego set we found at a garage sale today and played with them.


Brother Cassian said...

A great story in pictures.

Anonymous said...

That's a good picture of you and Vikki. Melissa