Wednesday, April 02, 2008

We all woke up around 8am. Kenzie made scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. While Jacob was eating his breakfast he looked at me and said, "I'm getting fuller and fuller and fuller". Then he lifted his shirt and said, "in me belly". Kenzie and Truman went outside to visit the chicks. When she came in she played zoo tycoon. Jacob sat and watched her for a little bit and then went to his bedroom to play with his cars. Adam and I played in the living room. Kenzie was really excited when I told her she could bring two chicks in the house at a time. Jacob liked holding them too. We sectioned them in an area in the kitchen. They sure are good poopers but Kenzie was very good about cleaning up their messes. After lunch we went outside to take a walk down our road. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Kenzie also brought Truman along for the walk. She and Truman ran ahead with Jacob running after them saying, "Kennie, wait up, Kennie, wait up". Kenzie would wait for him to catch up and then go running again. They liked stopping to throw rocks in the ditches. When we got back Kenzie and Jacob played on the slide and I pushed Adam on the swing. Kenzie and I played frisbee and then she wanted to throw it for Truman. She threw it into "Lake Russell". Truman had a really hard time getting the frisbee and splashed around trying to get it until Kenzie helped him out with a stick. While I was towel drying Truman Adam splashed around in the dog water. He also likes to spash in the water on the door of the dishwasher. I set some water on the floor for him to splash in. That kept him entertained while I unloaded the dishwasher. Kenzie brought in some chicks and rocked it in the rocking chair. Jacob liked watching her build a block house for it. She's got a couple of these chicks so tame they jump in my lap. While Adam was napping I took Jacob and Kenzie outside. I saddled up Sammy so Kenzie could ride him in the round pen. She was excited to ride him outside. Jacob also got to ride again. Again he was a little nervous at first but liked it as they started going. He especially liked having Sammy walk through the puddle of water. Kenzie rode him back into the barn where she held him as I unsaddled him and then she took of his bridle. We fed the animals before heading inside. Shortly before 4pm we left to pick Jared up from work. We went to several car dealerships. The kids slept in the car. Went to McDonalds for dinner and took the kids to play in the play area. Adam even climbed up partly and then I helped him up to the top where Kenzie took him down the curly slide. First time he was a little nervous but had a big smile when I met him at the bottom. Second time he really like it. A little boy came over to me and asked me what my baby's name was. I told him Adam's name and then asked him what his name was. He told me his name, shook my hand and then ran off to play. Jacob was sitting next to me and said, "Dat a nice boy". We drove by some big buildings on the way home and Jacob said to Kenzie, "look-it dem big bill-wings Kennie, dem big bill-wings". Got home around 9pm. I let Kenzie bring her favorite chick in for 10 min before getting her pjs on. Got the boys ready for bed. Kenzie read Jacob his bedtime stories.


Anonymous said...

That pic of Jacob and Kenzie sleeping in the car is so cute. And the one of the goat rearing up at Kenzie is funny. I want to see a pic of Lake Russell. LOL SOunds like Kenzie is having so much fun there, she didnt call me today though, She said she would try to call me everyday. I tried to call you guys but no answer. Anyways, do you have enough clothes for Kenzie? I just thought about that. Well Ill call you tomarrow, or shall I say today. Love you guys, VIkki

Melissa said...

I love the picture of Jacob and Kenzie sleeping in the car too. And when Hailey saw the picture of the goat rearing up at Kenzie, she said "That goat is going to push her over." I thought it was funny that she still remembers that.

Anonymous said...

What a great aunt and uncle for Kenzie. Riding horses, taking is pretty good. And...Jacob and Adam are well taken care of. Super pictures Kimmy.