Friday, April 11, 2008

I got up around 6:15 with Kenzie and Adam woke up around the same time. When Kenzie left Jacob's room he woke up and wanted Kenzie to come back and lay on her mattress. She went in and told him she had to got to school and told him goodnight. He fell back asleep quickly. After Jared and Kenzie left I nursed Adam and lay him back in his crib. Jacob woke up around 8:30 and stayed in bed until 9am. Adam woke up around 9:30. It was another rainy day outside and in the forties. While Adam was asleep Jacob watched his tractor movie and then helped me make some dough for pizza rolls. He loved playing in the flour. He kept saying, "It toe soft, ewe wanna peel it". He'd rub his nose in the flour on the counter and then try to sneeze it off onto me. Had a hailstorm with pea sized hail around 4pm. When Jared got home Jacob and I went outside to feed the animals. As we headed back inside Jacob wanted to run through the puddles. After dinner we headed into town to walk around the mall. First we walked to Barnes & Noble. Jacob played on the train table and then wanted me to read him some tractor books. I gave Adam some books to look at. He loves turning the pages. We walked through Sears and then took the boys to play. Before leaving we walked through Target. Got home around 9:30.


Brother Cassian said...

I love these pictures of Jacob with the flour on his face!

Think how wonderful it is to be young and to be feeling soft flour with your nose and cheeks! The world is an exciting place, isn't it?

Chaminade is cooking today -- I wonder what he would do if I went into the kitchen and spooned some flour onto the counter and rolled my face in it . . . I think I had better stay right where I am. I'll leave the flour rolling to Jacob.

Melissa said...

Great pictures of Jacob with the flour on his nose. That's too funny.