Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Here Jacob is doing his "magic trick". His other magic tricks are jumping off something or pulling his feet out from inside his pant legs.

This is a drawing Jacob drew of Daddy. Notice the arms and legs come out of his head. He always makes two lines for the mouth. He'll make a first line and say, "dat sad" so he adds another line.

The boys are looking for Kate under Adam's crib.

Jacob remembered this morning that last night Daddy told him he could watch Cars today. So around 10 am we put that in. Adam looked so cute dancing to the music. After lunch we got out paper and crayon's. I helped Adam color on his paper and he tried it himself a little. Although he'd rather chew on the crayons. Jacob asked me to draw dots for him to trace shapes. He liked drawing people and drew a picture of Daddy by himself (pictured above). We hung it on the fridge to show Daddy when he got home. While Adam was napping Jacob took a short rest before we went outside. Jacob played in his sand and with his tractor. I dug weeds and grass out of the flowers by our round pen. I watered the grass we planted and then gave the hose and a bucket to Jacob. He'd fill it up and water my flowers. I was digging by the house and found a crawdad. I put it in the driveway to let Jacob watch. He liked petting it and putting things in front of it to crawl over. Before we went to feed the animals we put him back in the dirt by the house. Adam woke up soon after we came inside. We had dinner and then went back outside. Jared had dinner with the guys from work and got home around 7:30. I took the boys for a bike ride down our road. We went inside around 7pm and I gave the boys baths. Jacob got really dirty outside. Adam peed on the floor before I put him in the tub. Daddy came home just after they had gotten out. The boys were very tired at bedtime and fell asleep very quick.


Melissa said...

Hailey always draws her people with the arms and legs coming out of the head too. I love the picture of him with his drawing. It turned out so good.

Melissa said...

Adam sure is smiling big in that one picture. I love it. Actually it looks like he might be laughing.

Anonymous said...

Arms and legs with no body is what happens at the beginning of drawing people. It will changewith age. The magic tricks are wonderful. Another good day for the Russell kids.

The Daddy said...

That looks just like Jared too.

Anonymous said...

Jared thought the arms on the head was a background to his picture. He hasn't seen many two year old people drawings:) Jacob is having fun drawing people again this morning. He likes making little or big eyes and noses and today added on some long hair.

Brother Cassian said...

Your mother / mother-in-law is right. You might want to save some sample pictures of people as you go along so that you can show how his drawing develops. It is fun to watch -- and he will do it on his own!

Anonymous said...

I agree Uncle Dee and will definetly be saving some sample picture people so I can look back and see how his drawings developed - what fun!