Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Adam sat on Jacob while they played with the racetrack. Of course Adam decided to get up when I got the camera.

After we watched Sesame Street this morning we went outside until lunch. It was in the low fifties and sunny. I got the car vacuumed out. Jacob wanted to chat with Daddy again today at lunchtime. While Adam was napping Jacob and I went outside to put a second coat of red paint on the chicken coop. It started to sprinkle so I decided to finish cleaning the car and clean the truck instead. Jacob liked riding in the front seat of the truck to park it from the barn to up by the house. He had fun playing in the sand and with Tiger (the barn cat). Adam woke up from his nap soon after Jared got home. We left to pick up some chicken food. Also had to get two more feeder for in the broiler stall. They eat and drink so much its crazy. There is always chickens drinking and lined up by the feeder eating. When we got home it was time for dinner. Watched American Idol tonight. I sure do love watching Adam dance. He really gets his arm going up and down. Earlier today he was dancing to some music while playing with his barn on the refridgerator and banged his head. Lately Jacob likes to say, "I'm getting bigger and bigger and bigger like Mommy, Adam's getting bigger and bigger and bigger like Daddy". Jacob's favorite books to read before bed are Oakey, a Goodnight Kiss and Come and Play, Oakey. The expressions on his face while reading the first of the two are priceless. He opens his mouth wide, his brows go up and down, and noddes his head while moving his hand. When I take Adam to lay him in his crib lately he pushes off me and throws his head back as if I'm not laying him in his crib fast enough.


The Daddy said...

Kimmy it was in the low 70's here on Tuesday

Anonymous said...

Wow, thats warm.