Sunday, April 27, 2008

This is Adam's expression to seeing the playground.

Jacob's trying to help Adam get into the tunnel.

We left our house around 9:30 this morning to meet my parents for a motorcycle memorial. We got there early so we went to the gas station to get coffee. When I came out with my coffee Jacob said, "Mommy got yellow coffee in a yellow cup". I nursed Adam in the car and then he sat on Daddy's lap. He loves pushing all the buttons and levers. When my parents got there we went inside for coffee and donuts. Jacob had donuts and choc milk. Adam loved walking around in the parking lot looking at all the motorcycles. Jacob fell as he ran to me and he scraped his hands. It was fun watching all the motorcycles take off. There were only about 65 motorcycles this year compared to almost 200 last year. We all met at a place to have a pancake and sausage breakfast. This weekend is the towns maple syrup festival and there is a carnival and parade in town. As we stood in line for breakfast Jacob played on the ramp. When someone would walk towards it he'd run to us saying, "uh oh, here comes body (somebody)". The pancakes were really good. Then we walk through some craft sales. Outside a man made Jacob a baloon dinosaur. Took the boys to play at the playground before leaving. Both boys fell asleep on the way back home. We stopped at a few garage sales. When we got home Jacob went outside with Daddy and they halled the trash down the road to the dumpster. I nursed Adam and then we went outside. We planted the onions and some pumpkins in our garden. Adam loves picking the grass. The boys took turns riding with Daddy on the tractor. We went around the yard and looked at the trees we had planted. After dinner I worked on laundry. Adam followed me and if I'd get too far from him he'd cry and want a hug. Jacob and Daddy played with the lego's.


The Daddy said...

Jared I think you can take the chains off the tractor now. Oh wait thats right you live in Michigan which means you cant' take them off till July! ha ha ha