Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jared had to leave early for work - he had to be there at 5:30am.
It was such a beautiful day - sunny and around 65 degrees. We fed the animals this morning and we also got to take another walk. Adam fell asleep right away. Jacob had fun picking up rocks and looking for bugs and catipillars. When we got back he played in the sand. I was reading to the boys and Adam kept giggeling at Jacob. Jacob would turn around and look at Adam or cover his head with a blanket and play peek-a-boo - this had Adam laughing harder than I have every heard him laugh. It was very cute. Later, when Jacob was laying down for his nap I went to check on his and found he had climbed onto his bookshelf and was sitting up there with his blankey. When I saw him he quickly climbed down and jumped into bed. I got to spend some fun time with Adam while Jacob was napping. When Jacob woke up he went and lay on the couch. I layed Adam next to him. Jared got out of work late - home around 7pm. He is going to be traveling next week. We were all sitting on the bed and Jacob pointed at his eyes and said, "I have blue eyes, Daddy brown, Adam brown, Mama green" as he pointed at each of us. His new thing he likes to say is "I eccited" as he jumps up and down. Charlie Brown was on so we watched that this evening. When I ask him if he wants to go trick or treating his reply is "no please". Tomorrow we will be going over to Omi's (Kenzie's Grandma) house to walk around her neighborhood with the kids and then back at her place we have chili and homemade bread. We've been going over to her place since Kenzie was very young and we always have lots of fun.


Melissa said...

Cute pictures. I love how Jacob and Adam are smiling and looking at each other in the one picture on the couch. You can tell Adam sure loves his big brother.

The Daddy said...

oh man totally forgot the Great Pumpkin was on last night...big bummer for me

Anonymous said...

Good pictures but they would be great if Kate was in them. I'm missing her. Is she living in the barn now? Now as you well know...we all have our gifts, includinig Kate. Missed the pumpkin show also.

Anonymous said...

Kate is in the background of the third up from bottom picture. Her gift/talent seems to be rolling in poop - I had to hose her off again today. She was laying on our bed and I smelled something awful from across the room. Oh well, I still love her. No living in the barn for her yet:)

The Daddy said...

Guess Kimmy was washing sheets yesterday then

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

What a talent...don't let her teach Mocha that. I missed the Great Pumpkin too!