Monday, October 01, 2007

Here is a picture of Jacob and his first time eating cereal.

For Jacob's morning snack today he opened the fridge and pointed to the applesauce. As I poured it into his dish he said, "Uh oh, more at-letauce, right there mama" as he pointed at a spot in his bowl. Then he said, "It good eat mama". When he was done he got down from the table with his bowl in his hand and said, "Kate lick mama". Then he called her saying, "here Kate" while smacking his lips together. He knelt down and watched Kate lick the bowl. When she missed spots he would say, "right there Kate". Then he picked up the bowl and put it in the sink. After lunch I got the boys ready for a trip into town. I took back an item to TSC, then stopped at the bank, and did some grocery shopping at meijer. Kenzie called and asked if Uncle Jared could pick her up after work. When she got to our house I asked her if she wanted to feed Sammy. She also gave him some treats and brushed him too. We brushed him together and I showed her how to pick up his foot and clean it out. She thought it was funny that the under part of his hoof was called a frog. Adam sat in the highchair and had his first taste of rice cereal tonight. He kept wanting to grab the spoon or the bowl. This will help him learn how to swallow without sucking. He is such a fun, happy baby and I enjoy every minute of this. Towards the end he started to get the hang of it. Jared took some video's and thought he'd get a video of Adam's view. Kenzie took some videos and pictures too. After we got him cleaned up he sat with Daddy while I colored with the kids. Jacob is getting much better at using the scissors with one hand. Jacob is excited that Kenzie gets to sleep on the air mattress in his room. This morning he was calling for Hailey. Potty training is going well. Many times he can even go all night without any accidents. He just came down the hall saying, "pee again" and went potty right away. (Kenzie posted on her blog tonight)


Anonymous said...

What beautiful grandchildren. And...I knew that Adam also joins the above average group. I noticed that he is feeding himself. Wow...such a young age. I am so happy that you can stay home with the kids.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you put the picture of Jacob in his highchair on so we could compare the sweeties. They look different but some things remind me of each other. Adam looks like he enjoys eating. He will be a boy we like feeding.
The pictures are cute. Thanks for having Kenzie over. She was so happy to get to stay with you guys.
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Jared, Funny're mom tells me you don't even have a clothes line. Melissa and I cracked up when we read that one.
I know what you are getting for Christmas...Practice makes perfect you know...I will have my camera ready.

I was really happy when I read Kimmy's blog and she said you wanted to come to Nana's house. I remember the time you were in such a hurry to get to Nana's house that you almost got a ticket...
Can you tell I am smiling right now? Thanks for being so excited to come over. I am excited to have you come now that you quit moving my knick knacks, silverware, etc. all over the place on me and have stopped trying to move my tree with your car. Thanks for picking up Kenzie and bringing her home for me. I really do appreciate you. I am happy God blessed Kimmy with such a great husband and the boys with such a great dad. Love Mom S

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add that no hands on a horse is not all bad. A horse knows its way home. Now it's not the same on a tractor. Hands at 2 and 10 is the rule in case you forgot.