Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jacob woke up around 8:15 and we cuddled in the warm bed for a little bit.

We got up and dressed warm to go outside to feed the animals. Jacob didn't want to do any of the feeding this morning he just wanted to get back inside to play with his firetruck. Adam was his cuddly self this morning and I rocked him for awhile. He took a nap right after lunch and so Jacob went outside to plant the flowers I got for my birthday. I dug a hold and Jacob dropped the bulbs in. He loved covering them with the dirt and patting it down. I watered them with the hose and gave Jacob a bucket to help. Then he wanted to use the hose. He got really wet and muddy. We played for a little bit inside and then it was time for his nap. As soon as he fell asleep Adam woke up. We had fun together - he sure does enjoy looking at books. He gets really excited when he sees this certain baby on one page in his book. When Jared got home from work we headed over to the pumpkin patch and picked out a couple for carving. Jacob loved the wagon ride and also loved racing Daddy back to the car. We were the only visitors there as it is a weekday and they were soon to be closing. At dinner Jacob was looking at his new cars to his set and said, "I NEED racetrack". He will be excited to get the one from Nana for Christmas. He loves just watching the video/demo of it on the computer.


The Daddy said...

Racetrack is cool...I remember building race track too for our hotwheel cars that mom still has at home and is not allowed to get rid of

Anonymous said...

I've gotten the message once again. Remember those orange tracks...They went everywhere.

The Daddy said...

I remember the orange's right it was everywhere in the house..think we even made loopdie loops too