Saturday, October 27, 2007

Jacob was very excited to go out for choc milk and donuts this morning. He was also excited to go see Nana and Papa. At their house Jacob kept asking to take his firetruck and go downstairs. Dad and Jared took him down there and they play a few games of ping pong. We had a really nice visit. Vikki called and asked if we wanted to go out to eat at the Mongolian barbecue. We did - they meet us at mom's and followed us there. It was fun and good food - thanks for the invite Vik. On the way home we stopped and picked up a carving kit at meijer. Jacob was excited to see Lightning McQueen so I decided to try and carve it even though it was one of the more challenging ones in the book. Adam was facinated with the stems of the pumpkins. Jacob loved helping except for he was not going to touch the slimey stuff - "ewe, no ewe" was his response to that. He enjoyed pulling the tops off the pumpkins and putting them back on. Jared scooped them out and I separated the seeds for baking. Jared was done carving his pumpkin much sooner than I was - he baked the seeds. It was worth all the work when I heard/saw Jacob response to seeing lightning mcqueen lite up on the pumpkin - it was so cute. He kept wanting to turn the lights out and see them again. Both boys were very tired tonight - Jacob was asleep by 9pm and Adam by 9:30.


The Daddy said...

Kimmy check your email...I send you a question Friday night and hopefully you might have answers. thanks

you need to tell jacob that the pumpkin insides are pumpkin guts..boys love to play with guts!

Anonymous said...

Kimmy that is an awesome job on the Lightening McQueen pumpkin. Can't believe all the detail. No wonder Jacob was so excited. I was excited just seeing the pictures. Please take a real close up of it and put it on for me if you can. Very cute family pumpkin pictures. So nice seeing you all today!

Melissa said...

Great pictures. Looks like Jacob had tons of fun. You sure did a good job carving Lightening McQueen. I couldn't believe it when I saw the pictures how good it was. It looks like it would be pretty hard to do with all the detail. Jacob's lucky to have such a talented mommy.

Anonymous said...

Well, WHO is Lightening McQueen. I don't think he lives in Indiana. It's your chance to shine with tons of information. I don't know what I'm looking for in the pumpkin. Just another proof that grandchildren are smarter than their grandparents. We carved the Jared kind of pumpkin.

Anonymous said...

OK. While you are explaining Lightning McQueen, add gravity wagon as something that needs elucidating. . .

Anonymous said...

Lightning mcqueen is a racecar in the cartoon movie Cars.