Sunday, October 07, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I fixed it Mel:o)

I got all the kids church clothes set out the night before so it was really easy to get them all ready this morning. We went to Hailey and Max's church (also my parents and sisters church) today. Stopped on the way and to get a cappuchino. The kids were really good in church. Adam fell asleep on Vikki's lap. We took the boys to their class and Max was so excited to go into his classroom. Jacob also wanted to go in and ran over to play with a truck. I took Hailey to her class and she got teary eyed at first - but when I picked her up she was having fun with the rest of the class playing with the playdough. They said she did really good in class today. Mom noticed she wasn't wearing her memory verse star sticker so she took her to say it to her teacher. Mom said she wouldn't say it. I took her to back to her teacher and she said it right away. We took the kids over to Mel's house. Bruce threw candy in the grass from the parade for the kids to pick up. They were so excited. Then we left to go to my great aunts 80th b-day party. My parents and Vikki and Rody also were at the party. It was very hot in such a crowded room, but we had fun. Jacob and Adam fell asleep on the way back to Mels. I lay Jacob in Hailey's bed and he slept for awhile. Bruce made us a really good dinner tonight and we got to try his cheesecake - it was very good. Max kept asking for more. The kids were really tired when we got home. Hailey had fallen asleep in the van but woke up when we got home. Max and Jacob were in the back seat saying hi back and forth to each other. The kids were all asleep by 9:30 - except Adam. Adam's cut through his first tooth and was unusually fussy tonight. He didn't go to sleep until shortly before 11pm.


Anonymous said...

Great to see the new blog. I'm always checking for more news. You are one busy lady while JB goes off to work. I'm so glad you can help Melissa.

Melissa said...

Hey, I can't believe you actually put that picture on of me holding Adam with the sucker in my mouth. I look terrible in that picture. For that I think you should let me put the picture of you with Max at the mall on my blog. It's such a cute picture and you don't even look bad in it. :) Anyways, thanks for bringing the kids over and staying for dinner. It was so nice to get to be with them for most of the day. They all sure had fun picking up candy. They had just as much fun as they would if they got to really go to the parade, if not more fun. I'm glad we did that. What a fun day!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mel, you sent me the pictures so I thought it was ok. I guess its not your best picture - I was looking at Adam. I'm glad your doing so much better today. Don't overdue it. Love ya Kimmy

Anonymous said...

Mel, Forgot to tell everyone that you tried to give Adam a kiss with that sucker in your mouth, forgetting that it was there. Funny stuff.

Anonymous said... looks like your taking up a bad habit. It just looks like it. There are things much worse than suckers. Don't fret. Looks like the ranch is pretty busy these days. I wish I were a fly on the wall. Well, that might be not so good. Kimmy could kill me. Well, something like a fly. Going from two to four should make quite a difference. But's not six.

Anonymous said...

oh man kimmy...I would have left the picture up there.

Melissa said...

Kimmy, you didn't really have to take that picture off. It's just not a picture I would put on my blog, but since everybody already seen it, I don't care. I sent it to you because I thought Adam was so cute in it. I just thought you would notice how I looked and not put it on. But now that everybody knows I had a sucker in my mouth there, I think they all know that usually I look absolutely fabulous. Just kidding. :)

Anonymous said...

Mel - I do think you always look fabulous. But for any future viewers they will have to guess how you looked in that picture or try to remember. :>)

Melissa said...

I like what you did with that picture. Good idea to put it on like that. Adam is looking so cute there.