Sunday, October 21, 2007

Today we did some more painting on our gravity wagon. The John Deere green looks nice. Jacob helped Daddy feed the dogs - Kate went over to Truman's dish and Jacob put his hand in front of her saying, "No Kate, Kate dish right dere" as he pointed at her dish. Jared and Jacob were looking at a ladybug and it started to stink. Jacob came over to me and said, "Pee-ewe". Adam tried banana's today for the first time - he loved them. Later as I tucked Jacob in bed he told me, "me brush teeth and Daddy help me, I make tiny Mama" as he showed me his teeth. Then he said, "kiss, hug, a pive" because he wanted to give me a kiss, hug and a high five.


Melissa said...

It sure is fun feeding them new foods for the first time, isn't it? Glad you got pictures of it. He looks like he really likes those bananas.

Anonymous said...

Boy Adam looks like he sure enjoys real food. Can't believe he's able to eat bananas already. Where is the time going? Love the pictures of the boys. They sure are happy boys. Love Mom