Thursday, October 11, 2007

This morning I worked on laundry and Jacob played in the sink washing his trucks. Adam has his first "cold". He is still a happy, smiley boy even though he is sick and teething. I also have a cold. Got the blocks out this morning and Jacob, who loves to knock down what we are building, said to me, "Mama, no knock me down, blocks" as he pointed at his blocks. Lately he also likes to say, "hey, look" and "right". Adam is sitting up really well with the support of the boppy. He sat with his boppy for ~30 min today playing with his drum and chewing on some toys. When Jared got home from work we went outside. Jared brush hogged another paddock. Jacob wanted to go up to the sand hill. On the walk up he jumped on every mole hill. He asked me to make him some sand balls for him to throw. This evening Jacob was looking around for his truck and couldn't find it. He looked at me and said, "Adam take me truck". Then Jared told him he had left it by the desk so he ran to get it. Tonight Jacob came with me to lay Adam down for bed. Kate followed us in and Jacob told her, "Kate, get out" which is what I usually tell her.


Anonymous said...

while jared is on the tracker is he singing the tune from "Green Acres" ha ha ha ha

The Daddy said...

Here's the song jared should be singing when he's on the tractor

cut and paste if into your browser

Anonymous said...

I think you boys have way to much free time. reminded me so much of your grandpa Hostetler and the fun he had on his little John Deere. Eric...hunting for a song...Well, if BD pays you to do that go for it.

Melissa said...

Hope you and Adam feel better soon. Max sure liked the pictures of Jared on the tractor. He keeps coming back to look at it.

Melissa said...

I love the picture of Jacob laying down playing with his tractor, and the one of him sitting in his dump truck is cute too.