Thursday, November 01, 2007

Jacob copying Hailey's dance

This morning Jacob tripped over a pillow. When I asked him if he was ok he said, "It good trip - again" and he went back and did it again. Adam's second tooth finally has cut through. He and Jacob both woke up early this morning. Jacob was playing with his dump truck and said, "I caught hay bale Mama". Then he got his keys, crawled under his drawing board and moved it across the floor saying, "tee ya tomorrow, watch out - truck". After lunch we headed over to Nana's house. After the boys played for a bit I lay them down for their naps. While they were asleep I went to the store to get video tapes. Stopped to take some treats to Grandpa's house. We all met at Omi's house around 5:30. We got the kids dressed and took some pictures. Nana and Omi gave the kids each a bag of goodies. Jacob did not want to be dressed up and especially didn't want to wear the hood. In the third picture you may be able to tell he is not to happy about being in his outfit. As soon as we got outside I put up his hood and he was excited to start trick or treating for candy. All the kids were so cute. Jacob would walk up to the doors and say loudly, "trick - treat". As he left he'd say "ank-a-you". It was raining (misting) outside but not to cold. The mist felt really good and we were all having so much fun. Just after we had decided to go down one more road it started pouring and got really windy. We got out the umbrella's but it was so windy our umbrella flipped back. It was funny. We hurried back to Omi's house and got the kids out of their wet clothes. It was nice to relax and have some chili and Omi's yummy bread. Got home around 9:30. Jacob wanted to see his bones shirt in the dark. He was so excited, jumping around in his bedroom. Daddy dumped out their candy on the floor to sort. Jacob pointed things out to him saying, "I got candy corn, I got suckers". Both boys were really tired and went to sleep fast.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed looking at all the cute pictures of our fun evening. You took some really good ones, as usual. What a fun memory!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful photos of the evening -- and the videos are cute, too, even if we can't see the glowing bones! It is fun to hear the voices.

I am still a little confused by what animals Jared and Kimmy were trying to be. Maybe they can be a little more successful with their costumes next year . . . Unless, of course, Kimmy was dressed as Jared (and vice versa) -- in which case the resemblances were truly amazing!

Melissa said...

You sure took alot of great pictures. Thanks for sending me them. I love the one of Jacob copying Hialey's dance. It was such a fun night. I loved hearing all the kids yell trick or treat at every house. They sounded so cute.