Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Got up this morning and got Kenzie ready for school. Adam woke up so I nursed him and lay him back in his crib. He was all smile as I lay him down but soon was asleep. Jacob woke up around 7:30 and help me feed the animals. Jacob has been really affectionate towards Adam lately, trying to make him smile, getting him toys or his bop. While we had lunch today Adam stood in his exersaucer. Jacob looked over at him and said, "uh oh" while running over to give him his toys and turn him to face us - then he said "there". He is such a great helper. After Jared got out of work today he picked up Kenzie and Mocha(mom's dog). They are staying at our house. Mocha is coming over so I can try out my new clippers on her. Kenzie held her for me as I trimmed her nails. Then I spent a couple hours trimming her. I let Kenzie try the clippers too. I was done around 8:30pm. Adam ate his cereal like a pro today and wanted every bite. He'd get so excited when he saw the spoon coming. Kenzie wanted to go outside to see Sammy so I took her our for a little bit. We brushed him and gave him some treats. When we came in Jared was laying on the air mattress reading Jacob his bedtime stories. Adam was asleep.


Anonymous said...

Kimmy thank you so much for grooming Mocha. She looks adorable. You did a wonderful job. I really appreciate you doing that for me and also for always being so good and loving to Kenzie. We are blessed! Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mocha looks like a new dog. I just saw her this morning. What a difference. She looks so cute. Hey, Champ is in need of a hair cut soon too. It seems like you just cut his hair. Well, either it is growing fast or time is flying. Glad to be feeling a little better so I can get back to blogging again. :) Melissa

Anonymous said...

I think the last time I trimmed Champ was in July. It could be both - time flying and his hair grows fast. Glad to see your feeling well enough to blog again.