Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Left our house around 9:30 to head over to my moms. Today we took Hailey and Jacob bowling. Its Jacob first time bowling and he was very excited. When we got there Hailey and Jacob were holding hands and jumping saying, "Yeh". I took Adam's bumbo seat and some toys for him to play with. He also enjoyed watching the kids. Hailey would go play with him while she waited for her turn. It was cute to hear the kids say, "go ball go" as they watched their balls slowly roll towards the pins and clapped their hands. Mom took them to get snacks and they were excited about that too. She said it was hard for them to decide what they wanted. They brought them back to the table and took a snack break. What a fun time together - I'm really glad we were invited to go along - thanks Mom! When we got back to Mom's it was time for lunch. Then Jacob took a book to Dad and he read to him. Then Dad read some books to all the kids. Jacob played in the sandbox for a little bit before we left for home. Jared did some more brush hogging this evening. Adam was giggling so cute this evening. Also he started saying "mamama". Though his favorite thing is still a loud "babababa".


Anonymous said...

oh poor truman...he looks really sad not being able to get on the couch! ummm wonder what he does when mom and dad are out of the house

Anonymous said...

Kimmy you took such good pictures of the kids bowling. Can't believe how many you took and how you found time. You were doing practically all of the helping when they were taking their turns bowling. I am so glad you came. You made it so much fun and were such a great help. Jacob and Hailey were so much fun to watch. I loved how Jacob jumped up and down so excitedly after he bowled the first frame. He was so cute.
Hailey was so cute too. I'm glad we took them together. Great memory!!! Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric - poor Truman and Kate get gated to the back half of the house while we are gone. Poor dogs - they have to sleep on a queen sized bed:-)

Anonymous said...

Mom - It sure was fun and definetly a great memory. All except the memory of me falling on my butt trying to chase a slow ball. Who knew that floor was waxed so slick - glad you didn't have your camera out that time. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

It is so hard to stay in Indiana when Michigan is calling so loudly. Can't you hear it? I am so happy the kids are having such fun. That's what cousins are for. We've usually come for your birthday Kimmy but I don't think it's going to happen this year. What a bummer.

Anonymous said...

Gated to the back half huh...I'm hoping that you got a bigger gate then..seems like I remember jared teaching kate to jump over the other one. maybe they are on the couch while your gone and when they hear you coming down the drive they jump back over to the there side.

Melissa said...

Hailey sure had fun bowling with Jacob. She was talking about it all day. I watched the video and it was so cute. What fun!!!

Melissa said...

Thanks for taking all those pictures too. I copied some of them to add to my blog.

Melissa said...

Thanks for emailing me the rest of the pictures you took. I added some of those ones to my blog too.