Sunday, October 14, 2007

Jacob came running down to our bedroom at 2:30am saying, "I pee, I pee". I helped him on the potty and them he ran back to his bedroom and fell right to sleep. Adam woke up at 6 to eat and then he went back to sleep. Then they both woke up around 8am and we all got ready for church. Jacob loves going to church and when we take him back to his class he always walks up to the front row of chairs and finds a yellow seat to sit in. After lunch today Jacob and I made some blueberry muffins. Jacob told Daddy, "I help Mama make boobarry cake". Today while the boys were taking their naps we painted our brush hog. When we were near finished it started to sprinkle. Jared went to get the tractor so we could pull it into the barn and finish up in there. It looks really nice but still needs a second coat. Adam's stuffy nose seems a little better today but his cough seems worse. This evening Jacob wanted us all to play together saying, "Mama play, Daddy play, Adam play, me play, all play". First we got out his little people toys and played with them. Then we played duck, duck, goose. Jacob just loves this game and he's getting really good at playing it. Its really cute to have him touch our heads as he says duck, duck until he picks one of us to goose. He still runs all over the house as we try to tag him. At one point Jared and I both got up to chase him and Adam was left in the circle by himself. He wasn't sure what was going on as we all left him running and talking so loud - he started to cry. He was happy as soon as we came back to sit by him. Jacob came outside with me to feed the animals tonight. He so funny how he's always calling the dogs and making sure their with us. I stepped on a board with a nail sticking up - it went through my crock and poked into my foot- ouch. I got Adam in his pj's and Jacob said, "It pj time". Jacob loves when he wears his pjs with footies or as we called them his num nums. He gets so excited when he sees us put our hand in the footie to play with him. The boys were asleep really quickly.


The Daddy said...

Kimmy rusty nail in foot = tetnis shot!!!


Anonymous said...

Num you know exactly how JB and Eric reacted to the Num nums. Nails. I would think your shot is up to date. Never fear ER. Love the stories.

Anonymous said...

The shot is overdue - got it last when I was 18 and as Jared keeps reminding me - I'll be 30 this week:)

The Daddy said...


Anonymous said...

As Jacob develops more concepts of categories, you can start playing "new" games: "Sparrow, sparrow, robin"; or "Blueberry, blueberry, strawberry"; or "Fork, fork, spoon." You get the idea, I hope. After a few new games like these, he will get the idea himself and be able to suggest some new variations. "Cup, cup, saucer"; "dog, dog, cat" -- actually other animal versions might be the ones to start with -- especially animals from RockinRRanch.

Anonymous said...

Kimmy...booster shots every 5 years is my doctor's rule. Think about it. Oh, dear...I need to run to the postoffice to mail a package. I've had this gift for a lllloooonnnngggg time. Old is only in the mind. I'm not the oldest of the bunch! Remember that.

Melissa said...

I agree with everyone. GO GET A TETNIS SHOT KIMMY! You don't want to take any chances. I love the pictures of Jacob helping with the blueberry muffins. I also love the picture of Adam and Jared sitting on the couch looking at each other. And thanks for cropping those pictures for me. They look much better closer up. Sometimes Bruce forgets to zoom in.

The Daddy said...

Jared you should take kimmy to the doc..we know she's taken you kicking and screaming before maybe its time for kimmy to go kicking and screaming.

Anonymous said...

I am going to go get my tetanus shot. Definetly a good vaccine to have here on the farm. I guess I was 15 for my last shot. Earlier this year Jared jumped off the lader, I think, onto a nail and had to pull the nail out of his foot. Now mine is nothing like that - just a poke from the tip of the nail.

The Daddy said...

did you take jared kicking and screaming to the doc or was his shot upto date?

Anonymous said...

Jared's vacc was up to date. When he was kicked by Celeste in 03' they gave him one in the ER.