Friday, October 19, 2007

Went to Mom's this morning because Jared's car was there from yesterday. We took Kenzie to school and then went over to my Grandpa's house. My cousin's wedding shower is tomorrow so my Aunt Brenda is staying with Grandpa. My Grandpa gave me Grandma's angel food cake pan which means alot to me. We had a really nice visit there. Mom and I are going shopping this morning. We went out for lunch. Jacob got a happy meal from McDonald's and we went to Subway. Jared met me at Mom's after work and we went to the homecoming parade that Kenzie was in. Jacob and I had lots of fun collecting the candy. Adam slept most of the time. We drove a to the end of the parade to pick up Mom and Kenzie. There wasn't enough room in the car so I stayed with Kenzie and Jared drove Mom back to her car. We started walking back and they then picked us up. Jacob has a really "horse" voice this evening and an occational deep cough. I'm hoping he doesn't come down with the croup like Max has.


Melissa said...

Kimmy, the doctor told us that alot of kids are coming down with croup right now. They said that they have never seen so many cases this early in the year before. It's really bad. Watch Jacob tonight cause Max started out with a really hoarse voice and deep cough too. It's really scary cause it's so hard for him to breath when he wakes up. You should sleep with the monitor just in case so you'll be sure to hear him right away.

Anonymous said...

Jared had croup once. Horrible for a parent to hear. Do you have a humidifier? Get it going if you do. Keep us posted. Did Jacob get a flu shot?