Thursday, October 18, 2007

Well, today my sister Vikki and I turned 30 and Adam turned 5 months. Jacob helped me open my presents first thing. I was sad not to get a call early in the morning from Grandma this year. She always wanted to be the first one to call in the morning and wish us a happy birthday and sing. Since I was really young I always remember Mom bringing the phone into our bedroom and hearing Grandma's voice - that was always the start of our birthday. Later she and Grandpa would come over for cake and ice cream. We were born at 8:41(me) and 8:42 (Vik) and I remember Grandma and Mom wanting to hold us on the exact times we were born - first me and then it was Vikki's turn. This morning we met Vikki, Rody, Mom, Greg and Breanna (Greg's daughter who's 3yrs) for breakfast. Greg (who we always called our brother growing up) suprised us and bought all of our breakfasts. Jared had to go to work so I got to spend some time with my sister. We went to the mall and target shopping for a Halloween outfit for Kenzie. Picked Kenzie up from school early and went back to Vikki's house for lunch. Got some cute pictures of the boys wearing Vikki's hat. I always love to spend time with Vikki on our birthday. On my way to Mom's house I stopped at McDonald's to get Kenzie and I a drink. As we pulled into the parking lot the truck in front of us decided to back up. I honked the horn but I don't think he heard me - I was suprised when he started backing up again. I put it in reverse but couldn't go back to far because I'd have backed into the busy street. If I wouldn't have backed up he'd have hit our car. He stopped just inches from our car - I don't think he ever even noticed us. Anyway, we got our drinks and I let Kenzie pull off the monopoly tabs from my drink. She won a free McFlurry so I went back through to get her one. At Mom's Kenzie played her violin for us - I love to listen to her play. Jacob danced and Adam seemed to enjoy listening also. Mom and Adam hung out inside and I took Jacob outside to play on the large stumps with Kenzie. Kenzie was having him pose for some pictures. He'd try and do any pose she wanted. Jared was supposed to go to dinner with his work but was able to get out of it. We went out to Pi's for dinner. Stopped at Blockbuster for a movie and found out it was free rentals on your birthday. When we got home we played with the boys until it was time for them to get in bed. Then we stuck in the movie - Evan Almighty. The movie was good.


Melissa said...

Love all the pictures. Aren't those tree stumps huge? They are so awesome. My kids loved climbing on them too. I got some good pictures of the kids playing on them with mom's camera yesterday while we were there. I can't wait to get them so I can put them on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of the kids on the stumps and hanging from the trees. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Stumps...where are these stumps. Looks like a park behind the stumps with all the trees. Your birthday sounded awesome. Happy to hear about the day.

Brother Cassian said...

Happy birthday, Kimmy and Vikki!

The pictures are always fun -- and I have discovered that new ones appear after I have looked. Yesterday I did not see the one of the dog and Adam (the first one) -- so it was new to me today.

Please make no comments about why I did not see it yesterday. Let me pretend it was added AFTER I looked. I get great pleasure from looking at your entries multiple times.