Monday, October 29, 2007

Adam woke up hungry at 5am. After eating he fell back to sleep until 8:30. Jacob woke at 9am and was very wet. I gave him a bath and then we all three layed in our warm bed with the matress heater on. After Adam woke up from his am nap I took the boys for a walk down our road. It was nice outside - about 60 degrees and sunny but very windy. Jacob loved the walk and talked to me the whole time. Back at home Jacob played in his sand and Adam played with the grass and picked up some leaves. Today my Dad came over for a short visit as he was out in our area for work. Jacob jumped around excitedly because Papa was there and because he was able to get up from his nap to see him. Adam played with Papa's beard and Papa got some good giggles out of him. I was glad he stopped by. I got some cleaning done and also organized my photo albums. Vaccumed the house and it seems we've got another small dog in that vaccuum - the dogs are shedding alot. Laundry builds up fast - the pile looked like we'd just got back from our camping trip:) Glad to have it all caught up. After dinner I went outside to feed the animals. When I came inside Jacob and Daddy were playing a game that Jacob had made up. Jacob asked me to play and showed me where my pillow was saying "Mama sit right there". He had three pillows set up against the couch - then we'd throw the little stuffed soccer ball and see who got it first. Adam sat on the floor and watched us as he chewed on his toy. Jacob kept going over to him and saying, "watch us play game". Later Jacob crawled in our bed and got under the covers. He wanted me to get in bed next to him. Then he climbed down and said, "I be right back, go talk Daddy". He ran to Jared and said, "good milk Daddy".


Melissa said...

Love Adam's green sweatshirt. Also love the picture of papa and Adam smiling. Sounds like your laundry piles up as fast as mine. Mine looks like we just got back from a camping trip too. I'm not quite caught up yet.

Anonymous said...

Bill and Adam make a great pair. What friends! Not many more days to wait. I'm pretending that it's November already! It's easy to fool myself!