Saturday, October 06, 2007

Grandma's Pumpkin Patch

Max looks like he's doing most of the lifting:)

Hailey asked if I'd take her picture with Adam.

The kids had a lot of fun seeing all the pumpkins and looking at all the animals. Jared found some corn cobs and the kids fed them to the goats. The kids each picked out a gourd to take home.


Anonymous said...

The pumpkin patch trip looks like so much fun. Great, colorful pictures. You can sure see by the faces what fun they had. Love Mom

Melissa said...

Love all the pumpkin pictures. I love how Max and Jacob are lifting the big pumpkin. Max sure looks like he's really trying hard. You can tell they all had so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Hailey and Max. It looks like you had lots of fun at the pumpkin patch today. I'm glad you are having a good time. I love the pictures of you guys laying on Trueman. Wow, Hailey you fed Adam all by yourself? You are such a good helper. I bet Aunt Meme loves having you around to help with Adam. I'm so excited to get to see you tomarrow after church. I love you lots and lots. Hugs and Kisses XOXOXOXO. Love, Mpmmy

Anonymous said...

Gourds? Where are the pictures. Do you mean take home gourds or pumpkins? I'm working on the second set of 8 gourds for the dinner. Need to wax them today with paste wax. I need a few more. Could you believe that 26 gourds are not enough? One never has to many gourds. Good to hear from Melissa. Her name has been mentioned more than once at prayer time during choir. You go GIRL!
We're ready to leave for church. 7 am. Got to get the hospitality tables ready for the 8:15 crowd.

Anonymous said...

Well, Max picked out a gourd and Hailey and Jacob picked out little pumpkins. Jared tells me that pumpkins are gourds. There were mostly gourds in the wagon. I can't wait to carve some big pumpkins and bake the seeds - YUM YUM!