Saturday, October 06, 2007

Max played in the dogs water and then looked at me holding his hands out saying, "I dirty".
Jared left this morning to get donuts and choc. milk. He got me a muffin and cappuchino. Jared went outside and mowed the lawn. Hailey reminded us it needed to be done as it tickeled her legs. The kids heard the lawn mower and wanted to watch out the window.

Hailey really enjoyed feeding Adam his cereal. Jacob came over saying, "I tried it". Hailey gave him the spoon and let him try.

Took the kids outside to play in a huge pile of leaves. Jacob and Hailey loved it. Max didn't like being in the leaves - he would rather stand at the edge and throw the leaves or play with sticks. Then they played on the swingset. I pushed Max and Hailey on the swing. Jacob would much rather slide. Hailey looked at me and said, "there's a piece of grass on my arm and it's touching my bones".

The kids were all really tired and all took long naps.


Melissa said...

Love the pictures. Very cute of Hailey and Max laying on trueman. I guess she really is getting comfortable around those big dogs. I bet she loved feeding Adam. I'm glad you took pictures of her and Jacob feeding him. I also am glad you got a picture of Max's look when he says he's dirty. That's so funny. He tells me that all the time with that same look holding his hands out just like that, but I never thought of taking a picture. Now we'll never forget it. Very cute pictures again.

Melissa said...

Oh, I love all the black and white pictures too. They turned out so cute. I like how Max is peaking through the fence.

Melissa said...

Hey, it's me again. That's so funny how Max didn't like to be in the leaves. Remember he didn't like it last year either. I also think the picture of Jared with Max and Jacob is very cute. See, I really could comment on all your pictures, but that would be alot of comments. You just take so many great pictures. You should be a photographer.